Chapter 35

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I sat on a bench outside the hospital. I had a photo of me and Y/n in my pocket. I took it out staring at the pic. I examined our facial expressions, our smiles, our crazy faces and then... our kisses!

It was a cold night. I was shivering and crying only in the thought that everything I tried to build, was now destroyed. I heard two thunders and the sky became red and soon, it started raining. I didn't care that much about it so I stayed outside.

Your POV.

You: LIV! Why shouldn't I?
Liv: Because you hit your head so bad.
You: Oh I'm fine now. Hey Justin!
Justin: Sup little one? How are you feeling?
You: Way better since your shitty friend left!, I don't wanna see him again!
Ivey: But Matt was your boyfriend!
You: Nice joke! I would never date him.

I turned my head facing the window and I saw a figure sitting on a bench. It really looked like Matt.

You: Can anyone close that window?
Ivey: Why?
You: Because I can see that dumbass' face.
Justin: Wait, is Matt outside?
You: Yeah.
Justin: Oh dammit! He mustn't stay out when it rains.
Liv: Why?
Justin: Because Matt... I can't tell. I'm not allowed. I gotta go.

He left the room leaving me with my besties. It's way better now.

Matt's POV.

I was observing my photos with Y/n on my phone. Its case is waterproof so there was no problem with the rain, although I have. Tears became one with the rain drops. Suddenly, I felt my body shivering. I was so wet (DUE TO THE RAIN OKAY?) and my vision started getting blurry. I heard someone yelling my name.

Justin: MATT! MATT!
Me: Ju- Justin?
Justin: Bro, are you trying to suicide? You know you can't stay out whenever it rains and it's cold.
Me: I- I know b-but I didn't have another choice.

He handed me his jacket and he helped me get in my car.

Justin: Are you feeling better man?
Me: No. I wanna be alone.
Justin: Okay bro. Whatever you need, I'm here for you! That's what the bro code says, apart from not stealing your pal's girl.
Me: Thanks man!
Justin: So, I'll be inside.
Me: Have fun!
Justin: It's a hospital Matt!
Me: I know.
Justin: Weirdo! Anyways, bye!
Me: Bye Justin!

He went inside and I stayed im my car. I turned on the heater and I tried to forget my problems. I saw my bloody dress shirt on the seat next to mine. I took it and I hugged it. Her blood on my shirt was the only thing she left to me.

Your POV

You: Nice joke guys! I've never dated Dumb Morris.
Liv: But you did!
Ivey: And you still do!
You: Stop with those stupid theories. We've never dated!

Justin got in the room. Everyone looked at him.

Justin: Matt is in his car.
Ivey: How is he?
Justin: He's crying. He's awful.
Liv: Poor him!
You: Yo, he's not that innocent! He can fool you!
Justin: You do hate him! Wow and he almost got a heart attack cause of you!
You: He's a kid Justin! He can't get a heart attack!
Justin: Know what? I hope you feel better soon! Bye.

He left the room. Honestly, Justin always takes Matt's side but not gonna complain tho. If he wants to support his little friend, then he should leave me alone.

You: Will you guys leave me here too?
Liv: No.
Ivey: No. We won't.
You: Thank you guys!
Liv: We're always here for you!
Ivey: Yeah.

At least my besties are here for me.

Matt's POV

I was driving to home when Justin called me. I stopped the car to pick it up. The roads were empty and there was silence only.

Me: Hey Justin.
Justin: Sup Matt? How are you feeling?
Me: Awful. You?
Justin: Just dumped her. I left from the hospital man.
Me: Congrats bro. Now I have to go home.
Justin: Alright. Good night bro!
Me: Night JB!

I hung it up. I continued driving to my house. I saw Y/N's house on the way. I just sighed and I continued driving.

I love her and I want her to love me again or remember our relationship!

(So, that's how it will go. Okay)

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