Chapter 13

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Your POV

Ivey; You did WHAT?!
You; I kissed him twice.
Ivey; And he actually let you?!
You; Yeah! He let me to sleep in his hug too!
Ivey; I really can't believe it!
You; Well, you have to.
Ivey; I'm really shocked! YOU GUYS, ACTUALLY LIKE EACH OTHER!
You; Pff, obviously!
Ivey; Then why don't you date?
You; I can't Ivey.
Ivey; Why not? You guys actually love each other!
You; I'm...

I felt someone's hands on my waist.

Matt; Hey girls!
You; Hey Matt!

I said with a smile.

You; This is Ivey! My best friend!
Ivey; Nice to meet you Matt!
Matt; Nice to meet you too! So what are you doing here?
You; I came for a walk with Ivey since we don't have school today! What are you doing here?
Matt; I decided to come at the park to sing, as always.
You; Great!
Matt; Hey, would you mind if I stay here?
You; No! Stay with us!
Ivey; Yeah stay!

He sat on the bench, next to me.

Matt; Thanks! So, since my hand is broken, I can't play my guitar. So, no guitar today.
You; It's okay Matt! For real now, you haven't told me what happened to your arm.

Before he says a word, Ivey had something to tell us.

Ivey; Sorry, my mum called me. I have to go. Y/N, call me when you can.
You; Okay!

Ivey left, leaving me and Matt alone.

Matt; So, which song should I sing?
You; As I see, you have some "original" songs.
Matt; Yeah. I write my own songs you know.
You; That's awesome!
Matt; Thanks! Hey, wanna listen to one of them?
You; Sure!

He took his phone out of his pocket and he showed me a video of him singing.

You; Wow!
Matt; Do you like it?
You; Yeah!
Matt; Thanks! So, wanna hangout here for a lil bit?
You; Well, why not? 😂 We can hangout out all day! I like your company!
Matt; I like your company too!

He touched my hand. I didn't even move it away. I liked that feeling to be honest. We stayed at the park for about 2 hours.

Matt; Hahaha! I really had a great time with ya today!
You; And I really had a great time with you too!
Matt; I have a question, did you have a great time yesterday?

Yes! Especially when I fell asleep in your hug!

You; Yeah! We should do this again!
Matt; Of course! So, do you wanna go back together? I mean, my house is only 15 minutes from yours. Also, I've parked my car near your place so. 😂
You; Let's go!

We left from the park holding hands. When we arrived outside my house, we stopped walking and we faced each other.

Matt; Hey, we've been hanging out for days and I still haven't gotten your phone number. Can I have it?
You; Of course you can!
Matt; Thanks!

I gave him my number. He smirked as he was looking at it.

Matt; Thank you so much!
You; Call me when you can, okay?
Matt; Sure! So, uh, I should better get going. Bye Y/N!

I couldn't let him leave like that.


He turned around, facing me.

Matt; Yeah?

He said. I quickly walked to his direction and I kissed him. God! The taste of his lips though! 😍 I could kiss him for hours! I just didn't want this moment to end. He pulled away. Then he smiled at me and he left without saying any word.

Matt's POV

I thought she wouldn't kiss me today. She did and I really enjoyed it. I couldn't talk, I couldn't walk. Only a smile appeared on my face. I went back to my house. I already missed her voice, so I called her. I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

Y/N; Hello?

She asked. Her beautiful voice drives me crazy!

Me; Hey it's Matt! Sorry for leaving like that. I don't know what happened to me.
Y/N; Oh it's okay. What are you doing?
Me; Just chillin on my bed. What about you?
Y/N; Studying.
Me; Oh uh then we should end the call.
Y/N; No! I mean, I just finished so don't worry! You aren't disturbing me.
Me; Oh okay. So, do you like cheesecake?
Y/N; I LOVE CHEESECAKE! I live for cheesecake!
Me; Awesome! So, I'll be there in 20.
Y/N; huh?
Me; Bye! See ya!

I ended the call.

Your POV

What is he up to? Anyways, I went downstairs to the living room. I turned on the TV and I sat on the couch. I cringed because there nothing interesting on TV so I turned it off. I grabbed my phone and I started scrolling through Instagram. I heard someone knocking my door.

You; I mean, we have a doorbell! 😂

I opened the door and I saw Matt with a bag on his hand.

Matt; I know you have a doorbell but I like knocking doors.
You; Haha! Come in!

I said with a smile. He went to the kitchen and he left the bag on the counter.

You; What did you get there?
Matt; I bought you cheesecake!
You; For real? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

To be honest it kinda felt awkward, like I didn't mean in a romantic way. Ya know.

Matt; Glad you like my surprise! Oh I forgot to tell you, that I bought you an cheesecake flavored ice cream!

I hugged him.

Matt; Haha! No problem!
You; So, I'll grab two plates and we'll go to the living room.
Matt; Why two? The cheesecake is all yours!
You; Shush!
Matt; Don't say shush to me!

He said in a playful way.

You; Or?
Matt; Or I'll do this.

He grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him and he started kissing my neck.

You; Yo Matt! Stop!
Matt; Or what?
You; I won't talk to you again!
Matt; Hmm... Nah you will. I'm sure you can't live without my voice!
You; I won't kiss you again then!
Matt; WHAT?! Ugh fine!

He stopped.

You; Good boy! Now let's go to the living room.
Matt; As you wish!

(Mamacita! Look who's falling for Matt and look who's falling for Y/N!)

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