Chapter 38

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I went to school and I already hate that day. I entered the building and I saw everything wearing black and some of them crying too. I was so confused. What was going on? I started searching for my friends and especially Matt.

I was walking down the hallways being the only person with colorful clothes. I finally saw Ivey, Liv, Justin and Hudson. Ivey and Liv were crying while Justin and Hudson were trying to calm them down.

You: Guys, what's going on? Why are you crying?
Ivey: M-Matt...

I started feeling so worried. She said Matt... Matt my Matt. 

You: Matt what? TELL ME IVEY!
Ivey: He- He's gone.
You: G-Gone?
Liv: HE'S DEAD?!

Liv yelled. My heart started beating so fast.

You: This can't be true, right? No! NO! HE'S NOT DEAD! Stop joking guys! STOP IT!
Hudson: We're serious Y/n!

Principal: Attention students. Your classmate and friend Matthew David Morris lost the fight with death. Matthew, our prayers are with you! Rest in peace!

I started crying and I quickly went to his locker. I opened it as I still had its key. There was nothing inside. I ran to the class and I saw his seat being empty. I ran out of school while tears were rolling down on my cheeks. I went to his house. I knocked the door and I saw his mother crying and wearing black. She hugged me.

MrsMorris: Thank you for making his life special! He loved you so much Y/n!

I couldn't talk. I started crying even more as I was in her hug. She freed me and I ran to his room. He wasn't there.


I yelled being so in pain. I laid on his bed observing our photos we took. I can't believe he was gone...

Mum: Y/n! Y/N!  WAKE UP!

I opened my eyes and I saw my mum.

You: Mum, is he for real dead?
Mum: Who?
You: Matt.
Mum: No sweetie! He's still at the hospital.
You: I have to see him mum! I just stay here. I need to go.
Mum: Dad will drive you there. Go and get dressed.

Matt's POV

That's the tenth time today I feel stings in my body hitting my heart. What the heck is wrong with those doctors?


Yo, I'm trying! Bruh.

Nurse: Doctor, we're losing him again!
Doctor: I know nurse. More power!

More power? Oh God! OUCH! Yo stop it! Imma die due to the electricity, you idiots! I wish I could see Y/n! Or at least feel her hand on my forehead.

Doctor: He's alive! He's fine. We can stop now.

Yeah now stop! And bring my girlfriend back! I love her! Actually, I'll be waiting for her! I know she will come even though she hates me.

Your POV

Dad: Are you ready?
You: Yeah. Let's just go!
Dad: Alright. Get in the car.

I got in the car being so so worried. I was thinking about how Matt would look like right now. He would have lots of machines on his chest and oxygen mask. I don't think I would be alright if I see him like that.

(A filler chapter! Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!)

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