Chapt. One: Newbie on the team

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Chapter one! Newbie on the team.

"Guys, we're getting a new member on the team!!" screamed Sticks, as she burst into the living room, where Knuckles, Amy, Sonic, Silver, Charmy, Vector, Espio, Cosmo, and Shadow where in. Shadow was in a corner with his arms crossed, (as usual). Espio was doing the same, Charmy was talking to Cosmo, Vector was discussing something about Dr. Eggman to Sonic, and Amy was snuggling Sonic, Knuckles was staring at the floor, and Blaze and Silver was staring at Shadow, when Sticks came bursting through the door. "Really? What's her or his name?" said Sonic. "Her name is Rikki! Rikki the hedgehog!" screamed Sticks while dancing around and squealing like a crazy person. Knuckles smiled and raised his head for a couple of seconds, and mumbled "Sis?? YAY!!"then the smile dropped and he kept looking at the floor. Amy smiled and jumped up from the couch and asked exitedly, "Does she like fashion as much as I do?!" she asked exitedly. "Well, I guess you could say that, I mean... she dresses kind of different than you could expect though.." Amy nodded, but she was too exited to be disappionted. "So when is she going to get here?" asked Silver. "Umm.... she said sometime around six-"

"Oh my god!! It's 5:48!! We need to get ready!!" Sticks was cut off by Amy. Amy shot into action. She started cleaning the living room and then, she ran up the stairs and started fixing up the guest room.

"What color is she?" asked Charmy happily. "She's orange! And she has knuckles, like well... Knuckles. And she has Psytokinisis, like Silver, and Sonic, she's exectly as fast as you! And she has an acorn bractlet like Sally!!" "Woah... she's as fast as me? Really?" asked Sonic as he thought to him self "There's only one person I know that's as fast as me. And that's my sister".

"Hmm.... sounds like an interesting girl....." muttered Silver while thinking a little bit. Then Blaze kicked him.

"Ow! I was just saying!" yelped Silver.

"I can't wait!" exclaimed Charmy and Vector.

"Was she created, or born?" asked Espio quietly.

"She was created, like Shadow." said Sticks blankey.

"Hmmm..... " said Espio.

"Wait... Rikki's coming?" asked Shadow.

"Heck yeah she is!! And she knows who you are Shadow, she was created with you in the same lab that you were in Shadow, she was created by Eggman..." said Sticks.

"Interesting... is she nice?" asked Sonic.

"Oh! Of course she is!! She's really nice!! And she said somthing about a yellow person but I didn't get the rest" said Sticks

"Whew, okay... " said Sonic.

"Guys looks like we have another team mate!" said Sonic. Then sonic's ears pircked up "hold on did you say yellow person as in a yellow hedgehog"

The sticks said "yah I did, why"

Sonic: well did she say anything about skates"

Sticks: uh huh why, is it relavint"

Sonic: uh no. well lets wate for her to arive"

The Adventure Of A Lifetime (Batim, Fnaf, Sonic the hedgehog, and undertale)Where stories live. Discover now