Rikki's Nightmare

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Rikki's bad dream.

This is written by Rikki, so..

*her dream*

I woke up in a padded room. I looked around, and it was my old isylm cell. Next thing I knew, there was darkness, and then I was going down the elevator to Circus baby's pizza world, which was underground. Once the elevator ride was over, I pressed the button, opening the door, and when I walked out, It was dark. Then, I felt my foot bump into something hard, and that made a 'Clank!' sound, when my foot touched it. The next thing I knew, lights turned on. What I saw at my feet instantly caused me to drop to my knees and start crying so much, my mind started to break, and once my brain fully destroyed, my heart started to physically rip apart. My chest hurt. Circus Baby lay dead, torn apart, and dismantled on the ground. Her beautiful green eyes that were always glowing with happiness, were now grey and lifeless. Her arm was ripped off, and her other arm was torn and ripped to shreads. I started to scream. I cradled her head in my arms. I started to beg her lifeless body to come back. "C-Come back! C-Come back!! Baby come back!! Come back!!" I begged softly to her face while sobbing. She didn't move. That's when I saw Shadow enter the room. He laughed darkly as he held a dented and scratched machettie in his right hand. As if, he'd used it to destroy something... metal. He looked up and said "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Miss her, Rikki?" he stepped closer to me "She wouldn't stop screaming. So I made her stop. Ha ha ha ha..."

"Sh-Sh-Shadow... ho-how-how could you?" I said coldy.

Shadow kneeled down in front of me on the other side of Circus Baby. "Oh, Rikki. You know no one can love you like I can!" he said while setting his hand on Baby's head.

"N-N-No." I said as I cradled Baby's head closer to me, taking Shadow's hand off of her.

"Oh well. Guess I'm gonna have to do you too!" He stood up and raised the machettie above his head and swung, aiming for my head. That's when I woke up. I shot up out of bed and instantly started crying. Shadow, Lemons, Papyrus, and Circus Baby were all standing beside my bed. "Rikki! Are you okay!? You've been screaming in your sleep for hours!" Said Lemons as she put a hand on my shoulder. "SISTER, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Yelled Papyrus as he stepped closer to me. Circus Baby sat next to me on the bed with a worried look on her face, and said "Rikki, what was wrong? Were you having a nightmare?"

I nodded, but I couldn't stop crying.

"Rikki, what were you dreaming about-" said Shadow as he stepped closer to me and Baby.

I wrapped my arms around Baby protectively, and screamed, "No!! Get away from my Baby, you monster!!" I screamed at Shadow.

Shadow just took a step back and looked at me calmly. "Okay. just, calm down."

I clenched my jaw and said sharply "You calm down, you psychopath!!"

Lemons seemed shocked at my reaction to Shadow's appearance. "Rikki, take deep breaths..."

I took a few deep breaths, and stopped crying, but I didn't let go of Baby. I hugged her and buried my face into her shoulder, and cried my eyes out. She hugged me back and gave the others the 'give me and her a minuite' look. Shadow Lemons and Papyrus walked out of my room, and shut the door.

Circus Baby held my face and looked me in the eyes.

"Can we talk about your nightmare?"

I nodded and she wiped my tears off my cheeks.

"I was in the elevator... and I came out, a-a-a-and y-you were dead... Sh-Shadow killed you, I-I-... I broke. I love you. I would die if anything hapens to you. I love you, Baby! More than anything! *sobs* *hugs her*

Baby just had a sad look on her face and hugged me back. "I'm so sorry that you had to see that, Rikki. I love you too." she hugged me tightly. "It was just a nightmare."

After a few minuites, Papyrus Lemons and Shadow came back in my room.

"Can I come over to you?" asked Shadow.

I nodded cautiously.

Shadow came over and asked "Are you okay?"

I nodded, and smiled. "I'm fine now. Thanks guys."

They all nodded and left my hut. I turned around once they left and hugged Circus Baby again. "I love you." I whispered as a tear ran down my cheek.

Circus Baby smiled and hugged me back. "I love you too." She whispered back.


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