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--Rikki's pov--

I got up out of bed, and put my rockets on. I kissed Baby on the cheek and silently left the house. I ran faster than the speed of Sonic down the the bank. I looked at the broken window and walked over to it. One of the window shards had a black and pink piece of fur on it. Emma.

I walked inside the bank. The alarm had been broken, but the fire alert light was on. if flashed white for a second, and then blackness. white. dark. white. dark. I heard a giggle that sounded like Harley Quinn. definetly Emma.

She stepped out from behind the bank's counter, with her purse stuffed with 100$ bills. I growled at her. And she smiled at me, trying her best to look as sexy as she could be. I don't look at Emma like that, but she looks at me that way. I crossed my arms.

Emma looked at me and put a hand on her hip. "Hey, puddin! whatchya doin here?"

I glared at her and said "I'm here, to beat you to a pulp." I said with a growl.

She giggled at me. "Well, let's get it over with! hehehe!" she pulled out her two throwing knives and twisted them around.

I got out my katana (Ninja sword) And ran up to her and swung at her. She dodged it, and threw one of her knives at me. I dodged it, and it went flying into the wall. I smirked, and ran up to her and swung again. I made a small cut on her stomach, tearing her shirt a little bit. She smiled at me. "Hm, nice hit, puddin!"

I kept attacking her with my sword "You know, *swing* That I'm with, *punch* Circus Baby, *swing* right?"

She nodded and kept dodging my swings and punches at her. "Yeah, I know, puddin! *swing* And she's one lucky bitch!"

I got mad and said "SHE'S NOT A BITCH!!" I knocked one of her knives out of her hands, and stabbed it into her side. Blood gushed out of her wound and she laughed. "Ha! Nice one!" She said while smirking. I punched her, and she stumbled backwards and grabbed my shoulders to catch herself, and then, she pressed her lips against mine. I shoved her off, and punched her straight in the mouth. She smiled at me with her now bloody teeth. I drop kicked her, and took her purse. I put the money back, and threw her purse at her. She picked up her purse, and I grabbed her arm and dragged her across the floor out of the bank, all the way down the street, to her huge mansion. The grey anger issued hedgehog, Death the hedgehog, came out and stood on the front patio. I walked up to the patio and threw her by her arm onto the patio into Death's arms.

 "Babe, WTF!?" He said while putting a hand on her cheek. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm fine, Death. I was just going to work again..." after she said that, she kissed him and looked at me while doing it. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and left. I don't give 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 shits about her. She's just a slut that robs banks. I ran back to my house and laid down next to Baby. I kissed her, and she woke up a little bit with a red face.

 "W-Why'd you do that.......?" She said sleepily.

"Cause I love you, Baby. I didn't mean to wake you, though." I said softly.

"Mmm... I love you too..... *soft snores*"

"I love you too, Baby..." Then I fell asleep with my arms around her waist.

The Adventure Of A Lifetime (Batim, Fnaf, Sonic the hedgehog, and undertale)Where stories live. Discover now