Chapter three: HOLY LEMONS

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RANG RANG RANG RANG RANG RANG RANGAHHHHH!!! rung my right inhibitor ring and I knew it was lemons 'cause of the funky ringtone she put on there. I clicked the button and the screen hologram projected out of it. "Hey Rikki!!!!! It's Lemons!! Do you mind if I come over for a minute??!! I just wanna say hi to all ya new friends!!!" screamed the exotic yellow hedgehog she was talking so fast I ould barly here her so fast it sounded like she had to use the bathroom that was also my best friend. "Sure Lem's! U can come over! I'm at the Team's place!" I said. "COOL!! I'll be over in a jiff! See ya then!" she screamed. "Okay! See ya Lem's!" I said "wate a lemon your at the teams place" she asked squinting at the back ground "ya is there a problem" I said to her "nope so how's it go'n so far. Good? Great see when I get there" Then she hung up and the projector went back' into my Right inhabitor ring. Suddenly, the door bell rang once again evan thogh the primiter around the teams place is a miled space. "I will get it this time." said Blaze. She opened the door, and when she did a yellow hedgehog with a black strapless tank top, genes, a pair of skates and a chakram, Lemons skated inside and instantly came over to me. "RIKKI" she yelled as She pulled me into a death hug and picked me up, but I didn't really care I hadn't seen her in 13 months so she missed me and I missed hr "Hey Lemons!" I said "hey" she said and she couldn't help but to look around and the she saw sonic she stood there for a wile and then gasped "SONIC" she screamed than she skated as fast as she could over to him and gave him the deadlyest hug of all "hey get off my boyfreind" said amy in an unhappy way "calm down Amy" said sonic. "Hey sis how are ya" sonic asked lemons then amy said "OH MY GOD THAT IS YOUR SISTER OH I AM SO SORRY" and lemons said as she lagphed "na hn hn it's ok it's always a bit of a suprise when people find out that I'm part of the family so your good hn hn ha" than sonic asked again "as i said before how are ya sis" "fine actually" she said as she sat next to sonic "hey I heard you quit team Citrus, why" he asked "well I..." "Lemons, Mephy's upstairs. He misses you." lemons was cutt off by Rikki.and with that, she raced upstairs. She skated to Mephilies's room and knocked on the door quietly. A muffled low tone voice with a sound of sadness answered "Come in please." and she came in. She saw him standing in front of his mirror. For years and years, he'd been trying to give himself a mouth. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't. She skated up to him quietly, and then put her arms around his shoulders gently. He turned around, and his eyes widened when he saw that it was Lemons. "Lemons!" he yelped in suprise. He started to cry and pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back and let him cry over her. She finally pulled away and with that she kissed him on the cheak and he blushed little 'cause it felt like ages since he last saw her it was like the first time they had met.

After that, they both went downstairs with there arms around each other shadow growled abit becouse he still kinda likes her sonic rolled his eyes and they sat on the couch next to sonic, me, and Knuckles.

I scooted over, so that I was preatty much pressed

Against Espio. I blushed a little bit, and he blushed even more. "So, where do you live?" asked Sonic. I smiled and said "I live in Dr. Eggman's lab, with Shadow."

Sonic: What? You live with the Egghead?"

Rikki: *ears drop and look away* you do know that he made me, right?"

Lemons: *jabed sonic in the side with her elbow*

Sonic: ow what!?

Lemons: *angry face*

Sonic: what does that mean

Lemons: ugh" *she then rolled her head and her eyes* *slappeded sonic in the face*

Sonic: ow! oh

Knuckles: Sonic!?"

Rikki: No, it's fine Knuckles. I get that a lot."

The Adventure Of A Lifetime (Batim, Fnaf, Sonic the hedgehog, and undertale)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon