Chapter 18

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"I am gonna puke!!!" Jake said as they were reaching for the skies.

"Don't puke in the helmet!!!" Ravi warned as he was controlling the ship "We are gonna go out of the atmosphere!!!"

"Stay calm Ravi" Priya's voice came through the comm "Remember, once you're out of earth, no extreme emotions. Am I clear?"

"Copy" Lux replied.

"Not copy!!! Definitely not copy!!!" Jake said as he was trying his hardest to not puke on the helmet.

"We're out!!!" Lux cried in delight.

"Well there's nothing for now. So ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the view." Chief said

It was so beautiful. Vast amounts of stars. They could even see the sun from here. Not that near of course, otherwise we'd be roast.

"Wow!!!" All my troubles were forgotten...... Tom!!! Oh god, I put my hands on my head..... Helmet. They have Tom. My only life and heart. I have to give this guy the missile.

Time for impact


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