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Hoseok knew that voice all too well.

He ran to Yoongi, kneeling down beside him and shaking him.

Hoseok knew better than to wake Yoongi up, but he had no choice.

Yoongi groaned and turned on his side, his eyes still closed.

"Yoongi," the younger male whispered. "I'm sorry but you have to hide."

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at Hoseok questioningly.

"I'll explain it later."

That was all Yoongi needed. He got up and put on his clothes then headed into Hoseok's room to hide, and possibly get some more sleep.

Hoseok ran to the door which the girl was still banging on, and opened it.

The girl dropped her fist and glared at him.

This girl was a little bit shorter than Hoseok, but not by much. She was quite skinny, she had an idols body. Her eyes were Hazel and she had long, curly brown hair. She had everything a guy wanted in a girl. Beautiful face. Big boobs and a big butt.

But just because she was the ideal type and Hoseok was bisexual, didn't mean he wanted to date her.

But that's how it came across for this girl, Areum. She wanted nothing more than to be his girlfriend. And she was determined to be his girlfriend.

They have been friends for a while now, about 4 years. Last year they dated for almost 2 months until Hoseok ended it. Areum was furious. She didn't know why Hoseok didn't want to date her anymore. So she was determined to make herself his ideal type.

But now that she's banging on his door, Hoseok wants her to leave even more.

"Hoseok, I want to talk about our break up." She said softly, her eyes narrowed at him.

Hoseok immediately shook his head. "No, I don't want to talk about it."

Areum rested her hands on her hips and started walking inside, causing Hoseok to walk backwards.

"What's wrong with me? What did I do wrong to make you break up with me?" She asked, sadness in her eyes.

Hoseok shook his head and sighed. "You didn't do anything wrong. I found someone else." He said honestly.

Areum's eyes widened. She was sad, but also shocked, that he found someone so quickly. That he found someone else while they were dating.

"So you were cheating on me...?"

Hoseok shook his head once again. "No, we weren't even dating yet. We literally just started dating yesterday."

Areum looked at him confused. "Then how did you find him if you just now started dating?"

"I liked him ever since we met. The first day we hung out is when we broke up." He said softly.

Areum wasn't like mean girls. Although she wanted to be like them at times, she wasn't. She wanted happiness for people. And that's why Hoseok had liked her so much.

Areum nodded understandingly. "Would you like to meet him? I think you two would get along."

Areum nodded once again and Hoseok told her to wait before he headed to his room, opening the door and peeking his head in.

His house was pretty small so from the front door you could see inside the kitchen, the whole living room and all the doors to the rooms.

There Yoongi was, sitting on Hoseok's bed, half asleep.

"Psst, Yoongi-hyung." Hoseok whispered, causing the older to whip his head up, his face curious.

Hoseok motioned with his head to follow him out the door, in which Yoongi got up and walked out the door, only to see a girl he'd never seen before.

Yoongi wasn't shy around new people, but he wasn't one to make friends. It was because he was always a grumpy person. But Hoseok loved how grumpy he is.

Yoongi's hair was currently mint green and Hoseok's was brown.

Hoseok took Yoongi's hand and led him to Areum. When they were stood in front of each other, Areum and Yoongi did quick and kind bows.

"I'm Areum." She greeted with a small and beautiful smile.

"I'm Yoongi, it's nice to meet you." Yoongi said and showed her his gummy smile.

"Why don't we go get some food?" Hoseok suggested and they both agreed.

They headed out the door and to Hoseok's car happily, but what they didn't know was that a little chaos was about to happen.

The Pizza Guy. ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz