Twenty-Six; [FINAL]

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It was a dark night, Hoseok was visiting his father once again. Yoongi sat at the couch, watching Breakfast Club.

He chuckled, it was one of his favorite movies. He really loved old movies. They were just so much better than the newer movies to him. New movies just seemed so... predictable. So cliche, every movie had the same ending, they got boring.

Allison Reynolds was his favorite character. She wore all black and was a quite awkward and antisocial girl. She had so many things in her purse, which fascinated Yoongi. She was a mystery in his eyes, unpredictable.

He watched as John Bender made his way to his car, his fist raised in the air while his other carried a black boombox, meaning the movie was pretty much over.

Yoongi let the movie finish before heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he gulped down the drink, he felt his mind go blank. What the hell? He thought. He looked at the fridge to see a picture of Hoseok with a girl, and wondered why he knew this man again. His eyebrows furrowed, he swore he had seen him somewhere, he swore they were close before.

But as he made his way back to the living room, the screen glitched. Yoongi's forehead laid in wrinkles, and he heard a male laugh.

Yoongi whipped around to try and find the voice. "Who's there??" He called, but no response.

Suddenly, something pushed him back against a wall, and he was met with something he has never seen before.

In front of him was about an eight foot tall creature, slimy with jet black skin, if that's what you wanna call it. His eyes were big, the ends tilted upwards and his whole eye was white. He had sharp, big fangs and a narrow tongue. His tongue was almost as big as Yoongi's head, if not bigger. He was terrifying, sharp fingers and long legs.

Yoongi's eyes shook in fear. "W-who are you?"

The creature just chuckled. "More like what?" He said, his voice raspy and deep, it sent shivers down Yoongi's spine.

"D-Did you take away my memories?!" Yoongi realized and shouted.

"Hm, i suppose i did." He teased.

Yoongi sighed in fear. Why would he do such a thing??

"Give me them back." Yoongi stammered. He tried to stay unbothered but he let his guard down a while ago.

"I'll make you a deal, darling." Proposed the demon, leaning in and growling lowly, causing Yoongi to coil back in fear, if it was even possible to get further away from this creature.

"Tell me what you are first." Demanded the human, his voice shaky.

The thing pulled his head back, but kept Yoongi trapped. "I work for Satan, who is friends with my father, Carnage. My mother, being half demon, and my father being a symbiote, i'm half of each." He explained.

Yoongi had absolute no idea what a symbiote is. He was confused. But by the looks of the creature, he knew he was in for deep trouble if he didn't listen to the demon.

"Now, that deal..." he purred, pulling away and standing straight, giving Yoongi room to regain himself.


"My boss is looking for some more workers to stay on earth, and he sent me to look for people. So, i will give you your memories back if you will work for my father, becoming half human, half demon. I will gift you all of your memories back, adding in the ones you lost from the fight."

The fight? How did he know about that? How did this creature know he lost his other memories?

"H-how did you know about that?" Stuttered Yoongi.

The creature only chuckled. "Oh darling, i know everything about you."

Yoongi looked at the ground in shock. This night had been insane and it had only been 20 minutes since he got some water.

"So, what will is be?" The creature questioned.

What was he going to do? He really wanted his memories back without having to wait for them, gaining them back slowly. But, being a demon and working for Satan on earth? Now that was crazy. What about that Hoseok guy? Would he leave him if he figured out he was a demon? He wanted those memories back, and he was going to make sure he did.

"I'll do it."

The end! I hope you guys enjoyed the pizza, i had a lot of fun writing it :) 💞💖

The Pizza Guy. ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें