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Jinyoung leaped forward, taking a hit to Yoongi's jaw. Yoongi stumbled back and Hoseok gasped in shock at what his boyfriend had just done.

"he's mine." Jinyoung growled.

"you don't own him." Yoongi fought back.

"i won't hesitate to punch you again." The male glared at the smaller.

"go ahead. let's see what your puny ass can do."

Jinyoung wasted no time, tackling the male and throwing many punches at him. "jinyoung, stop!" hoseok cried.

But all Jinyoung did was get up and kick him. At this point, Yoongi was coughing up blood. "jinyoung, that's enough!" Hoseok screamed. Jinyoung finally stopped and the raven haired rushed to the beaten-up boy, dialing 9-1-1.

"it'll be okay, Yoongi. just stay with me." hoseok said shakily, but Yoongi could barely keep his eyes open.

but he had to, for him.

to show him he was strong.

a loud siren could be heard and soon enough, men were taking Yoongi's body on a gurney and to the hospital.

"this is all your fault, Hoseok."

end of flashback.


hoseok turned around to his boyfriend with a hard glare.

"my fault?! how the fuck is this my fault?!"

Jinyoung lightly chuckled, only making hoseok more pissed off. "stop leading the boy on."

hoseok was confused. he broke things off with yoongi, how could he possibly be leading him on?

he then thought about it more. how they talked before jinyoung got here. how he almost said yes to giving yoongi another chance.

but he couldn't help but want to give yoongi another chance. he seemed so broken and he looked so.. lifeless.

"come on, let's go home."

next day, hospital:

white. that's all he saw.

as if there was nothing in the world but the color white.

he wanted to move, but he couldn't,

suddenly, he saw someone in the distance. someone he knew all too well.

the male came closer, a small smile stretched onto his lips.

the room was lapsed with silence, a comfortable silence, that is.

a tan-ish color  started to appear behind the male, and he soon discovered that it was a couch.

the man sat on the couch, sighing as some background noise was played.

the raven haired boy brought something into his hand, clicking something on it to make the room silent.

he then set the device down and picked up something else, tapping it a couple times before bringing it up to his ear.

a moment of silence was heard before the male spoke. "can i get one large pizza please?" the cheery voice spoke.

it was silent for a moment again.

"alright, thank you!" he said before removing the device from his ear and setting it somewhere, it disappearing into the white abyss.

it went silent again, and i was starting to get sick of the silence, so i decided to talk to him.

"hello?" i called out to him.

no response.

i tried again. "um, hello?"

the male ignored me and turned on the sound again.

this guy.

"hey,i'm talking to y-"

my voice was cut off when the doorbell was heard.

the raven haired made it quiet again and made his way to the door.

he opened it and i looked at the man who was at the door.

what the hell am i doing at the door??

"50 thousand won." i mumbled. man, what a grumpy man i was.

"y-yes, let me go grab my wallet!" the male exclaimed and turned around to go somewhere. i then noticed the pink tint on his cheeks. he was blushing?

he soon appeared again with some money, and we exchanged the items before i walked away and disappeared.

the raven haired open the box and started to eat. suddenly, a man in a white coat appeared next to him. "he's currently in a coma, we don't know when he could wake up." the new male told him.

i looked back over to the raven haired to see the box of pizza disappeared and he was now sobbing.

"th-thanks, doc."

"i should let you know that the man had kicked his head, causing him to lose some of his memory, but it will slowly come back." the supposed doctor said, causing the man to cry harder.

no, don't cry.

i need to wake up for him, i can't see him like this.

i don't even know him, but it hurts to see him like this.

i'll wake up soon, i'm trying my hardest.

author's note:

i hate typing these on a laptop

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