2. After Work

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Illumia had just reached the ground floor, when her phone beeped, to tell her she had a message. It was from Windblade and said 'I'll meet you in Maccadam's J'. Illumia completely forgot she had planned to meet her sister at the oil house. She shook her helm and walked in to the busy city centre of Iacon.

When she reached the oil house, Windblade had already been seated. She walked up to the table and sat down with a sigh. "Rough day?" asked Windblade

"Boring day" replied Illumia "the only thing happening on the radio stations is talk about some sports league" she huffed

Windblade giggled "Y'know some bots actually like that kind of stuff. Not everyone is into music and entertainment news". Then a waiter came over to take their order.

"I know Windy" sighed Illumia after giving her order "but not everyone likes sport"

"I know Illumia. I know" she said shaking her helm at the argument her twin was holding up.

"Windy" started Illumia as she drained the rest of her visco "I've been having some very strange dreams"

"Really" said Windblade

"Uh huh. They seem to have something to do with this mission we were told about during our creation"

"You've been getting those as well"

"So they're not dreams, they're visions" said Illumia. Windblade nodded in agreement.

"What do we do?" she asked. Illumia looked at her raising her optic ridge. "What I mean is should we tell our friends. Y'know Jazz, Chromia, Hot Rod, Orion, Soundwave"

"I dunno" replied Illumia "he never told us to tell anyone"

"But he didn't tell us not to tell"

"I'd rather tell people when we have a bit more information" sighed Illumia as she stood up to pay for the meal.


"I don't get it" said Windblade as the twins walked down Iacon's main street. "Why choose us? Two sisters, one of which is an audio clerk and the other doesn't have a caste". Windblade was right. It was a bit random to choose two femmes to be chosen warriors, there was only one femme Prime for example.

"Maybe it wasn't planned" consulted Illumia "maybe we just happened to be created when these two warriors should have been. If you get me". Then the two were interrupted.

"Hay, Illumia!" came a shout. It turned out to be one of Illumia's band-mates, Jazz. Illumia and Windblade turned around. "Guess who just booked us to play at their venue?" said Jazz excitedly.

Judging by this Illumia wasn't too sure, although it had been awhile since the band had been booked."I dunno. Halogen" said Illumia in a joked tone. Halogen was the leader of Cybertron's High Council.

"No" said Jazz in a serious tone then went back to being excited "we're going to Kaon!"

(p.s. i was writing this while the 2018 World Cup was in full swing, i don't know if Cybertron has sports leagues but i like to imagine they do)

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