17. Wake Me Up...

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(idk why i chose that as a heading, but illumia loves music so heh why not)

Optimus woke to his internal alarm going off. He opened his optics slowly, and started to remember what had happened. It took him a few moments to get his thoughts together. He looked at Illumia, who he had his arm around; she seemed to be sleeping peacefully, until he moved. He lifted her arm from his side and her servo from his cord, and pecked her on the forehead; this was enough to wake her. She blinked a couple of times before fully waking up.

"Morning" Optimus smiled, kissing her cheek

"Hay" Illumia mumbled, sitting up. She looked down at her frame, her legs tangled in Optimus'. She could see the remains of both their sticky on her thighs. She rubbed her helm.

"What did we do last night?" she groaned

"You don't remember?" asked Optimus concerned

"I- i do. I just can't remember how many times we did it"

"You insisted we do it three times" chuckled Optimus

"That's something i would do" giggled Illumia

"Are you. Okay?" he asked again, concerned

"Yeah, i'm fine" Illumia said lifting her legs over the side of the berth, ready to get out. She looked at Optimus.

"Are you alright?" she asked before standing up. Optimus nodded.

"I just need to clean myself up" he chuckled. Illumia put back on her pelvic plate and chest armour, and searched for her boots. Optimus did the same, although he couldn't find his pelvic plate. After five minutes of looking and having all but his pelvic plate on he looked at Illumia, who was fully 'dressed'.

"Where did you hide my pelvic plate, illumination?" he asked strictly.

"It should just be beside your berth, on your side" she said, giggling to herself that the mighty Optimus Prime couldn't find his pelvic plate.

"Finally" he grunted after searching on his servos and knees for a good five minutes. He saw Illumia was about to leave

"Can we talk about this first?" he asked

"Can it wait a little bit? I have to wash off" muttered Illumia. Optimus stood up.

"Fine, but we need to talk about... this" he said, gesturing with his arms

"Ok" sighed Illumia. She opened the door and left.

She stood outside Optimus' and for some reason; she tried to creep down the right hand side hallway, to her berthroom. She gave up on the idea soon after and walked quietly walked back to her room. She started to lightly hum, to herself, one of her favourite songs Bad Romance (yeah i brought this song in. WHAT? It's a good song). She was making steady progress until Windblade came out of her room. The noise startled her, and it didn't help that Windblade's room was on the same side of the corridor that Illumia was walking on (does that make sense? Heh it did to me).

"What are you doing walking the corridor this time of the morning?" Windblade asked in a suspicious tone

"Can't i walk the corridors?" Illumia said in an offended tone. Optimus stuck his helm out of his doorway, to see what the sisters were arguing about this time.

"Not at this time of the morning, you're never up at this time. You're no morning bot" Windblade commented. This was true, Illumia was never a morning bot. Bots would often ask what her favourite time of day is and she would always reply "night-time". Illumia loved her berth, and she never denied it.


"Yeah i thought so" smirked Windblade, knowing she had her sister caught out. "So, tell me why you're on the corridors this time of the morning?"

"Eh..." said Illumia, she then sighed "can I tell you after I take a shower?"

"Fine but I want all the details" chuckled Windblade, as she headed for the main room.

Why did she have to have such a perverted mind? thought Illumia.

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