1. Introduction

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(This part takes place around the time Orion Pax meets Megatron in person in TRANSFORMERS: Exodus)

Illuminateblade said the voice; it was deep, powerful and trusting in a way. Illuminateblade was dreaming. She was looking at a lit up figure. She'd seen this figure several times, over the past week, but only in dreams. Each time he talked about a civil war on Cybertron. And warning her of this Megatron.

You must be ready he continued. I will call upon you and your sister very soon. There is a plan laid out for you as you know. And you and Windblade will be separated. Make the most of the time you two have left together. You will meet me soon; I will send a message to you to meet me at the Well of AllSparks. I will call at the most uncertain of times. You must be ready!

The light dimmed, and Illuminateblade's- otherwise known as Illumia- alarm went off. She struggled to get her thoughts together. Those dreams or visions or whatever they are just keep getting weirder she thought to herself. She sat up in her berth, rubbed her optics. She stood up and thought maybe I should ask Windy if she's having those same dreams. She walked down the corridor, to the kitchen-come-dining area, where she saw her twin sister Windblade. The two shared a similar body only Illumia was taller and she was sliver and cyan in colour. "Morning" Illumia said in a cheerful tone "are you planning anything for this evening, around when I get back from work?" she asked.

"No, why?"

"I just thought maybe we could... I dunno... spend some time in the inner city that's all. Maybe have dinner in Maccadam's or somewhere else if you like?" Illumia suggested

"Fine" said Windblade, walking out of the room with her bowl of energon cereal in hand (I don't know if transformers have meals).


Illumia walked out of the apartment block, and towards the subway station. The part of Iacon in which she and Windblade lived was a bit... run down. And was mostly home to bots that ran Iacon's black market, of well, any sort of cheap goods. There was bound to be a fight if you stepped in to one of these bots territories. She walked to the station which was littered with bits of scrap. The train ride in to Iacon wasn't usually busy, especially at this time of the morning. But on the way home it was a different story. Every seat taken up, by a bot or their belongings, and even if you headed in the direction of a seat with somebots belongings on it, you got a look that said 'touch this and I'll kill you slowly' and an audio clerk like her wouldn't even try that- even if she was good at martial arts.

The train ride was quiet as usual, with only the sound of the very broken radio station and the sound of some gamer trying to beat the level he was on, for entertainment. When the train did finally stop at Iacon's centre, Illumia was pleasantly surprised to see her boyfriend Orion Pax waiting for her. The two had been dating for awhile now, but had never been on a date. Orion wanted to bring her out the tomorrow night but he hadn't told her yet. "What's this for?" she asked as soon as she got off the train.

"Can't I surprise you at the train station?" he asked kissing her on the cheek. Illumia blushed and they started to walk up the steps to Iacon's busy surface.

"Y'know I was thinking" Orion started

"Oh no, you were thinking, this can't be good" said Illumia with a laugh. Orion just gave her a sharp look saying 'can I continue?'

"I was thinking me and you haven't been on date"


"So how about tomorrow night?"

"Sure. I'm not doing anything" smiled Illumia

They reached the Hall soon after, and scanned their passes to get pasted the visitor part of it. They hoped in to the first lift that was free and pressed the buttons for the seventeenth and eighteenth floor. Illumia quiet enjoyed working here, even if she was part of a low caste. And she didn't even care about the caste system, but she never did tell Orion that, because he was part of this revolution thing with this Megatron, she didn't even take much interest in the entire thing. Of course yes it would be nice to be a little bit more free, like going to Six Lasers or having a bit more of a say towards the way the Council acted.

Finally the Bing sounded, to let them know they reached the seventeenth floor. Illumia pecked Orion on the cheek and said goodbye. They'd see each other during their lunch break. Illumia headed for her desk, right beside the floor-to-ceiling window, to start her listening to various radio stations, about news reports and new songs that were taking over Cybertron.

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