5. Alpha Trion's Warning

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That show turned out to be their best yet. Maybe it was the fire, maybe it was because Soundwave knew the arena really well or maybe it was their biggest show, they had their biggest audience yet.

Blaster was Soundwave's plus one and Blaster brought about twenty audio and data clerks with him, and that wasn't anything new. But the next week all the clerks who went to it, were boasting about the show and a few even asked why Illumia didn't go, saying she would have loved it. She just gave them a nervous smile back and said she was busy. But she was kind of shocked that they didn't realize it was her, and she was also relieved because she didn't have to put up with paparazzi on a daily basis.

That same week she received a message from Alpha Trion. It said 'come to my office when you have time' Illumia visited during her lunch break, wondering what she might have done wrong. She reached the door of the Archivists office, took a deep vent in and knocked on the door. "Come in" came Alpha Trion's voice. She opened the door and walked in. "have a seat Illuminateblade" he said pointing to a chair that was in front of his desk. He saw that she was tense "unless you've done something wrong, don't be scared" he said. He was looking out his floor-to-ceiling window which looked over Iacon.

He finally turned around "you're probably wondering why I called you here" he said looking at Illumia who nodded. He walked over to his desk and sat down in his chair. "I know your secret Illuminateblade" he said

"Which one" stammered Illumia?

"The one you and Windblade share"

"How?" jolted Illumia

"How about I tell you my secret?" said Alpha Trion leaning over his desk. Illumia nodded. "I'm one of the Thirteen" he said calmly. Illumia had always had a bet he was but never told anyone- apart from Windblade. He studied her expression and saw there wasn't a lot of shock in it. "You don't seem that surprised" said Alpha Trion still trying to read her expression.

"Honestly sir, I kind of guessed a while back"

"I see" he said standing up again and looking out the window "how long have you and Windblade known about this path?" he asked in a dull tone

"Since creation, sir"

"Primus will talk to the two of you this evening. He'll send Windblade a message. The meeting after this one will be the one where you will say goodbye to Windblade. You will meet her again, when and where I do not know. But you must make the most of your time left together"

Illumia wanted to see this as a warning but couldn't help feel like her world had just fallen apart. She could never imagine a life without her twin. And now they were going to be separated for Primus knows how long.


Illumia returned to her work. And after her days work was finished she headed for the Well. There she met Windblade. "What now?" Illumia asked. Then they both felt the urge to jump in, and because they both felt it they did. And moments later they stood in front of Primus himself, their very creator.

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