14. Reunited

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Optimus, Windblade, Jazz and Chromia ran out of the crashed Seeker ship, to see what might have happened to Illumia. When they finally found their way out, Illumia was fighting Slipstream, head on. They were in a pretty intense fist fight, and neither of them was backing down.

Slipstream knocked Illumia back and fired at her- to hit her helm- but hit her shoulder, activating her darkened mode. Windblade got suspicious and ran in to action. Jazz thought Windblade was going to help her twin and followed her lead, until of course she ran towards her twin purposely and launched an attack. Meanwhile Illumia heard somebot coming and switched positions with Slipstream. This meant Windblade hit her. Jazz had been so focused on where slipstream had been he didn't notice that she and Illumia had switched, and pinned Illumia against a wall. Illumia in turn pinned Jazz to the wall, until she recognized the visor. "Ja-." She started to say but Windblade pinned her to the wall, beside Jazz.

Again Illumia heard a bot sneaking up on Windblade and turned around fast, using her twin to hold her weight, and kicked Slipstream hard on the faceplate, sending energon in almost every direction. Windblade and Jazz stood ready behind Illumia. "I'll get you next time. Traitor" she spat and flew off.

Illumia turned to Jazz and Windblade "thanks for the backup" she said with a smile.

"Backup?" scoffed Windblade "that wasn't for you. We'd never help a Seeker" she said pointing to the Seeker insignia on Illumia's wing turbine.

"And i was the one who played the song that helped you find me and my friend" replied Illumia turning to point at Chromia who was sitting on the ground a few metres away. She turned back to Windblade and charged back to her usual colours. "And you haven't changed. Windy" she smirked.

"Illumia?" gasped Windblade in realisation

"Who else would it be?" laughed Jazz. Windblade ran towards her twin and hugged her hard. She heard a groan come from Illumia and looked up at her. Illumia's visor flipped up, Windblade saw her optics roll back, and she fainted. Optimus managed to grab her before she hit the hard metal.

"Ratchet, we need a bridge and prepare med-bay, for two" he called over the comm.

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