8. It's Soon Time

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A few months past, Illumia had wavered between The Wreckers and the Elite Guard. And because of her wings, the Elite Guard sent Illumia on a mission inside the Seeker barracks. She and another flyer- Stargaze- went in to the Seeker barracks as spies, but Illumia had a strong suspicion that Stargaze wasn't all she seemed to be. Illumia knew her time was running out, so after hearing that Sentinel Prime was a prisoner in the pyramid in Kaon, which she happened to be working in, she planned to try get a shift guarding him, in case the Autobots showed up. And her guess was correct because soon after Optimus Prime, Jazz and Prowl came to Sentinel's aid.


Jazz's account

I was blinded for a short amount of time, but when I got my sight back I saw two 'cons messin' with Prowl and O.P. there wasn't a lot I could do. Then reinforcements came! The 'cons must have called for backup while I was out. Among the reinforcements was a black and purple femme, mainly black frame, purple visor, purple and black on her wings. And she did something rather... un-expecting.


This new femme started to fire at the Decepticons that were attacking Optimus and Prowl. After taking those two down she took down the rest with Optimus and Prowl. That's when Jazz finally found his pedes. He drew a sword from his back and pointed it at her "ok what's your game?" he shouted

"First of all keep it down, second I've never been one of these guys" said the femme turning from being purple and black to being silver and blue.

"Illumination Prime!" gasped Jazz and Optimus

(Yeah, yeah. I know you saw that comin')


The bots brought her back to Iacon, to be debriefed. The Wreckers were very pleased to see her after all those months being ruled by Starscream and Megatron.

The Wreckers held a party for her return, and the Elite Guard didn't mind hosting it, after all she did get some very important information. But Illumia was missing for most of the party; she was always going off somewhere. After a while Optimus went to see what was wrong, along with Ultra Magnus and Springer.

Illumia had previously told Ultra Magnus and Springer about her path and title.

"Nothing's wrong" replied Illumia "I'm just thinking"

"About what?" asked the mechs in unison

"Well I can't just disappear tomorrow, now can I?"

"What are you talkin' about?" asked Springer

"You're time's up" realized Optimus 

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