7. Goodbye, My Sister

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A few weeks later, the same week as Orion and Megatron had their meeting with the Council; Primus had his next meeting with Illumia and Windblade. Orion Pax- now called Optimus Prime- saw Illumia take a different route home, and decided to follow to her. He called Jazz, Hot Rod and Chromia, telling them to follow him.

When Optimus saw that her route was leading away from Iacon, he wondered what she might be doing.

Illumia never noticed she was being followed; the others were a good kilometer and a half behind her. When she arrived at the Well, Windblade was already being briefed on her mission, and had received her upgrade. Illumia jumped in. "it's time" said the core. Illumia and Windblade shared their last hug together with only the Spark-beat of the core to listen to. "You'll be fine" said Illumia with a lump in her throat. She wiped her sister's tears and next thing she knew Windblade was floating towards the core. And in a flash of light, she was gone.

Illumia had steams of oil running down her faceplate. "And you" started the core "it's time for your upgrade". Illumia's chest opened up and a fragment of energon was placed in her Spark.

"What's this for?" she sniffed

"That's a fragment of the Matrix of Leadership... you are now Illumination Prime". Illumia scanned her frame. Then the core shot her with a beam. This beam gave her an upgrade. This one was similar to Windblade's. She had two new disguises, one was a plane with turbines on the wings, and the other was a semi-truck. She also had a new headcannon that reminded her of Orion's headcannon, crossed with the crown Windblade had.


Now aware of her new abilities, illumination returned to Cybertron's surface. She was very surprised to see her band-mates and former boyfriend at the edge of the Well. Jazz looked at her new frame "what happened to you?" he asked

"We should take this back to my place" replied Illumia


"Wait! So what happened to Windblade?" asked Jazz in a panicked tone

"She's in stasis, on another world... I think" said Illumia

"Is this what you've been hiding?" asked Optimus

"Yeah" replied Illumia "but I don't want to be called Illumination, Illumia is fine"

"And that's fine with us" smiled Jazz "so how long do you have left?"

(I'm gonna be honest. I made up her Prime name before her pre-Prime name. Oh and yes I named her after my favourite animation company: ILLUMINATION ENTERTAINMENT™)

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