18. Fun and Romance

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Illumia finished cleaning herself off and headed to Windblade's room to tell her the details of her night, because if she didn't Windblade would keep pestering her until she did tell her. They were leaving Windblade's room, when Windblade asked for one big detail. "Who was your partner?" she whispered. It was the only detail Illumia left out; she didn't plan on telling her sister either.

Optimus was walking towards them; Illumia hadn't had time to talk to him yet. He walked up to Illumia. "Can i, talk to you, alone, for a minute?" he asked quietly, just enough for the sisters to hear.

"Oh no" Windblade gasped excitedly (like how us fangirls do it when our ships get together). "You and him. Again" she squealed as quietly as possible.

"Keep it down" whispered Illumia in a thick tone. "We should go to my room" she said. Optimus nodded, and followed the sisters to Illumia's room. He closed the down behind him, before talking.

"Why did you tell her before we talked?" he seethed

"She would just keep pestering me until i did" Illumia retorted "besides, she would have find out either why. We share a split spark". Optimus had no argument and he got his answer.

"Windblade" he started wondering how he should phrase the next part "can you please keep this to yourself, until we sort things out?" he asked calming

"I had no intention to tell" Windblade replied innocently. Illumia rolled her optics. But she knew that because Optimus Prime told her not to tell, she wouldn't. Windblade left the room, and the two Primes just stared at each other

What next?


The Primes didn't exactly talk but the language they used was enough to say 'we should make this something' and settled that dating was the best option, but not many bots caught on to it, they kept it quiet, for a long time. But one night the bots threw on a movie. And one bot had no seat to sit on, that's when the rest of the team figured out why the two disappeared so often, they never intended to keep it so quiet but it just did.

Here's what happened...

The team put on a movie, just to relax for a few hours before going in to recharge. Illumia was sorting out some files with Optimus before the movie started.

"Are you two comin' to watch this movie or wha'?" called Jazz from the entertainment room with the mega-screen. The finished their work and walked in to the entertainment room only find one thing: there was one armchair left. Optimus strolled up to it and sat down, he then signalled to Illumia to come over. She did as she was told. When she stood beside the seat, Optimus tapped on his knee plate, telling her to sit on his lap. She nodded and slowly leaned in to sit on his lap, and gently placed her butt on it. She heard a few intakes drop and saw Jazz smirk at Optimus.

Oh how the times had changed...

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