10. Memories

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(This next part takes place between the end of season 1 and the start of season 2 of TRANSFORMERS: Robots in Disguise)

Windblade was walking through the aisles of the never-ending scrap yard which was just outside Crown City. She was trying to learn off where everything was, and how to get from the energon storage chamber, to the Alchemor. But she was only getting more lost in the maze of vintage stuff and Cybertronian equipment. She heard someone coming from the next aisle, so tried to make herself look busy. "Are you lost too?" said the bot. it was Optimus Prime; Windblade wasn't the only one finding it hard to navigate the maze.

"It would seem so, sir" smile Windblade.

Optimus chuckled. "I think the Alchemor is this way" he said pointing to the route Windblade was in the middle of taking. The two started to walk together. Optimus thought this would be the perfect time to bring up something that had been bothering him since he met Windblade on Earth.

"Windblade" he started. She looked up to him. "Have you heard from your sister, since you woke up?" he asked. Windblade stopped in her tracks.

"How do you know I have a sister?"

"You may have known me as, Orion Pax" Optimus looked down at her. She was furrowing her optic ridges trying to remember how she might have known the name.

"Orion Pax" she muttered to herself, Optimus let a smile show on his faceplate; it had been what seemed like forever since anyone else had said the name. "Orion Pax" she muttered again. She looked at his colour scheme then remembered the red and blue mech that was Illuminateblade had dated.

"Oh" she said lifting her helm in realization. Then she was brought back to the present.

"Now do you remember?" chuckled Optimus.

"Yeah, but I have no idea where she is. But the Core did say he'd leave a trail so we could find each other"

"The Core?"

"Oh, eh. Primus" replied Windblade. Optimus looked down at her again as they started to walk. He saw that she hadn't thought of her twin, and she felt guilty of it.

"You've been too busy thinking about your mission. You haven't thought of her have you?" he smiled

"No" replied Windblade. She felt a tear well up in her optic and a lump in her throat. Optimus realized he touched a nerve.

"Windblade. I'm sorry, I didn't think it would upset you" he said placing his servo on her shoulder. He led her to the back of the scrap yard. It was quieter there, and hardly ever did anyone go there. They sat on a cargo container. Windblade had her helm in her servos, holding back a sob.

"Y'know" she said finally lifting her helm "I never thought I would forget her. When I woke up, I felt like I was missing something, like I had been separated from my home. I just thought it was because I wasn't on Cybertron, but now you may have just pointed it out"

"I'm sorry I presumed that you knew here she was, or that you'd been in touch. But what I saw of her after you entered stasis, was nothing I thought she would ever be like"

"What do you mean?"

"She was... lost without you. She and I hardly spoke; then again she was on a different team. And she never took off her visor either. She closed herself off from almost everyone" Optimus said with a sigh. Windblade looked at her pedes.

Windblade's flashback

"I don't want to go Illumia" she whined

"You'll be fine" replied Illumia, tears of oil streaming down her faceplate. Windblade looked back at the Core, then at Illumia.

"Can you promise me something?" asked Windblade, like it was her last wish. Illumia nodded. "Promise me. That until we meet again. You'll wear your visor, so when we meet, I'll be the first one- in Primus knows how long- to see your beautiful optics"

"I will" said Illumia putting her visor on. She let go of her sibling, and she floated towards the Core. Then Windblade saw a flash of light. That was the last time she saw her sister.

End of flashback...

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