6. It's Not Goodbye... Not Yet

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"Well that was an interesting meeting" said Illumia. Now back in the safety of their apartment. Their meeting with Primus only lasted ten minutes. It was a briefing on what was going to happen. The two were going to enter stasis at different times, Windblade before Illumia. Windblade was going to battle some great evil he called it while Illumia would track down Decepticons, neither of them wanted to be separated, but Primus did promise them that he would have trails left for them to find each other.

It was the weekend so The Remakes had a gig at some youth club in Iacon. "Right I better go" said Illumia "you want to come to this thing?" asked Illumia

"Sure. Let me just grab my phone and wallet" said Windblade.

Illumia could see her sister was upset by the entire thing. "Come here" she said softly and pulled her sister in to a hug. In truth the two weren't actually twins, although they were created at nearly the same time, there was a few years of a difference between the two, Illumia was just that bit older than her sister which may have been the reason she was taller and had a caste.

"It's going to be okay Windy. I promise" she whispered.

"I... just... don't want... to lose... you" said Windblade in between sniffles. Illumia felt her sister's tears fall on her chest. Oh, Windy she thought to herself I'll always be with you. We share a split spark, remember.

"Go off to the thing you have to do" said Windblade wiping her tears away, seeing Illumia do the same.

"Are you sure?" Illumia said

"I'll come join you in a while, besides you have fans waiting for you in that club" Windblade said trying to reason with her sister.

"Okay if you're sure" said Illumia turning around before giving her sister one last hug.


"Where have you been Lume" shouted Jazz "Sounders has been doing his best to fill time"

"I'm sorry; Windblade and I got caught up doing... sister...things"

"Fine. Just, put on your mike and visor and get ready for the first song" ordered Jazz. Orion being Jazz's plus one was there at the side of the stage, and looked at his girlfriend, who seemed lost in another world. "You okay?" he asked

"Huh, oh, yeah. I'm fine" said Illumia in an unsure tone. Orion knew she was hiding something; he'd realized this a while back but could never figure out what it was.

"Don't mind him, he's just stressed because he couldn't get something in the Hall and his investigation is on a hold" said Orion, pecking his girlfriend on the cheek.


Near the end of the show, before the last song, Illumia and Chromia were enjoying seeing the mechs of the band enjoying them. It wasn't until then Orion realized Illumia had a different mike to the others. "Why don't you have a handheld microphone, like the rest of the band?" he asked

"Well it's the same reason why I have to have very particular alt-mode" replied Illumia. She turned around and activated the connection between her mike and her own speakers- there were two: one under each of her shoulder-blades- making them appear. She then activated another connection, revealing three handheld microphones attached to her waist plate "those also connect to the speakers" she said "and the mike I use has a Bluetooth setting, that's what connects it to Soundwave's controls" explained Illumia. She then turned on a setting on her visor that made them change colour with the beat of the music.

"Oh" replied Orion and Chromia

(Honestly this was a filler)

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