13. Wait To Be Rescued Or Escape?

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(Warning: it's song time!)

"Jazz will you please turn down that music?" came a shout, it was Ratchet. He'd never really been in to music, but now his whole world was about to be turned upside down again.

"It's not me Doc" said Jazz who was at the communications desk "it's some transmission, it's comin' from Slaughter City" he continued.


'Just when you think
Hope is lost
and giving up
is all you got,
Blue turns black,
your confidence is cracked,
and there seems no turning back from here

When your feet are made of stone
you're convinced that you're all alone
Look at the stars instead of the dark
you'll find your heart shines like the sun

Let's not let our anger get us lost
And the need to be right comes at way too high a cost

That's when love can build a bridge of light
That's what turns the wrongs all right
That's when you know it's worth the fight

That's when love turns nighttime into day
That's when loneliness goes away,
That's why you gotta be strong tonight
'Cause only love can build us a bridge of light

Deep breath, take it on the chin
But don't forget to let love back in

That's when love can build a bridge of light
That's what turns the wrongs all right
That's when you can't give up the fight

That's when love turns nighttime into day,
That's when loneliness goes away
That's why you gotta be strong tonight
'Cause only love can build us a bridge of light'

Illumia had never sang to herself before, but now she hoped this Autobot frequency still worked and that someone would hear it.

"Lume?" sighed Chromia "no one. No one is coming"

"I know, but I gotta try"


"This is way too familiar" said Jazz. He'd called Optimus hoping he might know what to do. "This was a version Illumia sang"

"And she may be in trouble" he said "Ratchet open the bridge, and prepare to Roll Out" the team nodded and Ratchet turned on the ground bridge.


"I'm not waiting'" Illumia said finally after the song had ended. She turned her turbines in to speakers and made a high pitch come from them. The chains holding her shattered. She ran over to the control panel in the room and undid Chromia's. She picked up her gun which had been taken from her after they'd been hit. She shot the panel and an alarm went off. "Pound the Alarm" Illumia muttered to herself, and then laughed at her own joke.

When the alarm finally stopped, Slipstream opened the door. "Should've known" she seethed. Illumia transformed in to her jet mode and broke to ceiling, escaping. Slipstream followed her. "Sunstorm, Skywarp, Thundercracker. Follow my pursuit." She ordered over the comms.

Chromia took off her visor, and in ran Jazz, Optimus and Windblade. "Chromia" jazz gasped and knelt down beside her.

"Long time no see, Jazz" smirked Chromia

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