Chapter 2

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"Any Luck?" Kalia walks into the lab with Rogers right behind her. Isabella stands silently off the side. She is send here to make sure the scientists, or specifically Tony, don't do anything weird buuut... They did let Tony have Jarvis hack S.H.I.E.L.D's files. Of course on total accident she found out since Tony wasn't hiding all of his screens.

Bruce quickly glances over to the brown haired agent before answering. "The Gamma readings are definitely consisted with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. But it's going to take weeks to process." He looks at Tony, who simply gives a quick nodded.

"If we bypass their Mainframe and direct a reroute to the..." This is the part where Isabella can't  follow with their science. She drifts of into her own thoughts and considers.

'Soo... Really what's Fury's real plan? Suddenly now he needs all these... These heroes to band together. It doesn't make sense. Or... Is it someone's plan? Not Fury's. He-' She gets ripped from her thoughts when the voices in the room got louder. 'Great... They also act like Kindergartners.'

Kalia and Steve stand confused at something Tony apparently said. "Jarvis has been running it since we hit the bridge. In a few hours we'll know every dirty secret S.H.I.E.L.D has ever tried to hide." Tony shruggs and gets back to what he was doing before.

Banner looks in panic at the Agent, hidden in the shadows. She smiles and does a mocking shocked gasp, putting her hand on her chest. Putting a finger infront of her lips, she smiles and nodded her head.

"Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around." Steve says in between gritted teeth, rolling his eyes.

"Rogers!" Kalia steps in and Iz is very glad for that. Don't need these two ever to fight each other... She sighs and quickly leaves the room for her shift end and hopes for the best.

Later Natasha almost runs into Isabella as she seems to be in a hurry to go somewhere. "Natasha? Hey what's wrong?"

"Lab. Now. I'll explain then." Natasha grabs Isabella by the arm and literally drags her to the lab.

And with that she back and its messier than before. All the Avengers are fighting and going at each others throats. She wants to stop them, hold them back as the world needs them but she can't get herself to do it. Not with all of them so much stronger than her. Deciding that she would be better of somewhere else, Iz walked towards Loki's cell.

"Hmmmm... Something-" Just as she is going to point out how oddly quiet it is, the Helicarrier shudders and starts to shake. Her eyes widened and she quickly pulls out her phone, calling Kalia.

"They're here. Loki's plan is going active."

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