Chapter 3

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Isabella runs back to the bridge, dodging people running around either in panic or in the same direction, awaiting orders. She just gets to the bridge, hearing Hill talking to some officers. "If we lose one more engine, we won't be."

"Somebody's got to get outside and patch that engine." Hill speaks into her coms, probably talking with Fury. She look up and turns to Wild. "Armory. Now!" The agent only gives a quick nod, taking a gun from the rack just as Fury comes stumbling back. While Hill checks up on him and gives out orders, Isabella takes a guarding position by the door.

She is one of the first ones to notice the grenade rolling in. "Grenade!" Hill yelled and Isabella quickly kicked it away from the main panels of the bridge. Her leg started feeling a bit numb from the heat and the sound of guns starting to shoot didn't help her focus at all on the situation.

"They're definitely not getting in here..." Mumbling to herself while shooting the invading men from the door. This went on for a while when suddenly an arrow flies from up top, down to the bridge, exploding on impact. "Shît!" Now she really can't feel her leg and for a second, she sees black. A bridge officer shakes her roughly and presses her gun into her hand. 

"Agent Wild. Shoot him!" He says while checking up on her leg, which was completely covered in red now.

"No! That's Agent Barton!" Isabella yells behind her to Fury. The director noddes and goes on coms to ask if anybody could intercept the Archer, with Natasha hesitant to answer.

Iz leans back with a loud thump, becoming a groaning mess. Her leg is starting to gain the ability to feel again but at a stupid timing. The pain is almost unbearable und she starts to see black around the edges of her vision coming back.

"Hey. Hey! Stay with me agent."

 The officers voice is all mushed up and she can barley understand him as she raises her head to look at her leg. She should have looked because that was a lot of blood. Seeming like some parts of the leg was burnt, there wasn't so much but she had moved and only spread it out on her leg.

Groaning she closed her eyes and let the darkness wash over her. It was only a small wound...

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