[B2] Lemon One-shot

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-Hehehehe... What?


It's a very bad idea to pair up Isabella and Pietro on this mission. On any mission to be exact. But that's what happened and Iz was beyond pissed because she knew exactly that she wouldn't be able to get anything done at all. Pietro made it hard... Pretty sure on purpose.

With her arms crossed,Isabella glared at the speedster infront of her, regretting all life choices that brought her to this. "Something wrong, Princessa? Did a certain person annoy you today already?" Pietro smirked over at her and, oh holy chris, he was lucky they had seatbelts on or she would have slapped him.

"No. Not yet anyways, but I'm sure thats gonna happen before I know it."

"You have no idea." She looked up at him and he winked. 'Shit.'

Opening her mouth to fire back a reply, she was interrupted my Steve giving out the group's jobs as they landed a few kilometers in a small town, away from the Hydra base. Isabella could feel herself being watched by two different people as her job was assigned. Staying behind and 'watching' the jet. She groaned into her hands, Kalia laughing and Pietro smirking. 'Great just great. I swear Pietro is promising Steve something for doing this.'

"Well don't have too much fun while I'm away." Kalia called, exiting the jet quickly before she heard something crash next to the wall. "You throw like a girl!"

"No duh!! Get out!"

And just like that Kalia teleported away, taking the last Avengers with her.

Isabella sighed and went to work, checking all systems, occasionally check where Pietro even went too before locking it up and standing outside, looking into the direction of the base. "Fùck her sometimes..."

"What about me huh?" The voice startled her and she pulled her knife, only for her to be pinned to the side of the jet. She would have probably trembled if she didn't know who dis was. But she knew exactly.

"Ha you wish... Fuck. You. Pietro." His face was closer that she would have liked, it was distracting. She could feel his hot breath fanning over her lips and she instantly pushed her legs together. 'Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.' "Not here you douch."

He didn't listen, gave her some pecks on her lips before properly kissing her. (And this is were I chickened out :'))

Something moved at the edge of her vision and she pushed a bit against Pietro to gain his attention. "W-wait... Pietro... Wait." He only hummed against her neck but was genuinely surprised as she pulled her gun from under her and aimed behind him. And shot an approaching Hydra soldier. "Actually have incoming."

He sighed and kissed her one last time before quickly helping her upright. "Ah well. Let's finish this."

And he was gone in a blue blur leaving Iz almost no one to deal with since he was just faster. Suddenly she was spinned and in his arms as she shot the last of them, out of breath. "And now?"

"Actually I'm pretty thirsty from all that."

"I know a place down the street, they have amazing Lemonade." He looked down at her, still laying in his arms. She smiled and held onto his neck tighter.

"Then what are you waiting for, I'm dying of thirst!"

(Don't worry they came back before the other's. Just had lemonade to go ;))


"What happened here?"

"Pfft nothing"




Unless you have a really dirty mind then oh well...


This is the type of trash you'll be getting from me 

This is the type of trash you'll be getting from me 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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