[B2] Chapter 7

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Falling asleep on her desk isn't fun. Waking up by being continuously poked is also not fun. Having that person be Tony only pisses her right off, to the point even where Iz would have grabbed his hand and broke it in half. Luckily for Stark he left before she is really awake, probably to wake someone else up... But nicer.

Bella huffs and stretches out a bit, surprised that she even slept comfortable, all hunched over like that. "What? Oh...." She notices that the books on her shelf are knocked over and Isabella tries to remember what happened, since normally she wouldn't have fallen asleep so easily.

"Red... Mist?" She frowns and stands up, quickly changing into some jeans and a brown leather jacket. 'That can't be good. An enchanted. The female one.'

Her speculation is then confirmed when Kalia comes out of Steve's room, followed by some Avengers, but not her own room. "What did that Witch show you?" Isabella follows her back to her own room as Kalia quickly makes a bee line to the bathroom.

"Oh nothing  important" Kalia quickly denied, peeking out from behind the door. "Hand me that dress on the bed please."

Iz rolls her eyes at her friend, knowing that obviously it was important and it had scared her so much, she left to find comfort with Steve.

Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't notice when Kalia came back with a 40s dress and she makes a face.

"What? What's wrong?" Her friend turns to see if there was something on the dress.

"Oh everything is ok with the dress... Its just... Isn't that a bit too vintage?"

"I'm a 90 year old. How much vintage can i get?"

"Well... That means Cap spend his money for nothing." Bella throws her arms up in a dramatic gesture.

"Wait what?"

"Rogers bought you a dress for tonight. I was showing him around, since I did have anything better to do, and he suggested that he buy you a dress... So we went dress shopping." She nods and gestures towards the wardrobe, where she had hidden the dress... Not really hidden but apparently Kalia didn't even notice it until now.

Kalia grins and takes it out and studying it, laying it down onto the bed next to Isabella. "He definitely knows his fashion. I'll be right back." She changes into the beautiful dress and smirks like a Maniac.

"Absolutely gorgeous." Isabella returns Kalia's smirk and stands up, gesturing to the door. "Let's go party."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

The party is full. Very full and loud. But it is at least not so obnoxious like a normal Stark party would be. Straightening her jacket, Isabella set her drink down while she chatted with a random guest about weapon types. Apparently this dude is a weapon expert and used to be a competitor to Stark Industry but since Tony stopped in the weapon making business, these two had become friends.

"And I must say, Miss Wild. You are technical an Avenger you just don't... Have any powers."

She sighed. Of course this conversation again.

"Actually I'm dead. And not an official Avengers. That would really be a pain in the @ss. "

"Hmm what do you mean dead? Like what kids use to say nowadays?" He raises and eyebrow and takes a sip from his drink.

"No...Yes... Both. I'm very much dead inside." They both laugh at this before she continues. "But... I can't really tell you. I'm just legally dead." 

"Interesting... Anyways I would like to continue this conversation someday and we could think about extending  your personal armory." He nods and slides his card with a pair of small devices to her and then they went their separate ways. 

After a while of drinking and making small talk with a couple of guests, the party slows down and finally all the guests leave.

Isabella stands next to Kalia and quickly leaves to jump in between Clint and Maria. Kalia ends up sitting between Steve's legs and Iz has to hold back a laugh.

"But it's a trick!" Clint gestures to the hammer which Thor sat down on the table. Clint... Is definitely a bit drunk.

"Oh no it's more than that." Thor smirks and leans back on the couch.

"Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power. Whatever man. It's a trick."

Thor pauses with an amused smile on his face as he gestures at the hammer. "Please. Be my guest."

"Really?" Clint slowly stands up and dramatically walks over to the hammer, making everyone smile.

"Whooo you go Barton!" Isabella calls from her spot and Clint only grins, stretching his arms out. To get ready for the challenge ahead.

"Don't worry if you can't. We won't hold it against you. You still get your pension " Kalia tells Clint, joking.

"Yes, agreed. You've had a tough week." Tony adds on.

"Haha very funny." And Clint tries. And tries. With all his strength, he can't move it at all. "...I don't know how to do it."

Tony laughs and takes a sip from his beer. "Smell the silent judgment?" 

"Please Stark. By all means." Clint steps back and sits back down on his spot, where Isabella mockingly tries to comfort him.

And Tony tries too lift the hammer. Unsuccessful. Even with an iron arm AND Rodney helping him.

"So Tony... How does it feel to be embarrassed infront of the Avengers?" Isabella asks from her spot on the couch.

"Huh. Let me think... Bad but look who's talking." Tony remarks and gestures to the hammer. "You give it a go and well see."

"Definitely not..." Maria boxes her in the shoulder. "Ok ok.. I'll try but just to warn you." Isabella stands up and zips up her jacket. "I'm so not worthy."

She exams the hammer, crouching by it to keep for any tricks the others hadn't found. PPlacing a hand on the handle she tries to nudge it. No movement. "Yeah no. I'm done." The others laugh as she walks back and on the way kicks Tony in the shin.

"Ow! Piece of sh-"

"Ah ah ah... No bad words." She laughs and lets herself fall back to her seat.

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