Chapter 5

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*Mann... I really love my friends xD ^

Waiting... Waiting sucks. What makes it worse is if you wait to even get a status from your friends, down in New York for any change. Isabella looks up from her computer screen and turns to lock eye contact with the Agent next to her. The woman, maybe even still a girl, has dark circles under her eyes and worry is written across her face. Iz can only imagine how she looks like, probably worse.

Worrying beyond believe, she waits for any kind of news. The coms crackle and Natasha's voice is heard. 

"Tony... He's alive. Injured but alive. We all are but the portal is closed." There is a pause with some static in between. "...Zk- Medical attention... Landing."

Isabella sighs loudly and lets her head fall onto the desk infront of her. She is so relieved everthing worked out in the end. Seems the same for Director Fury because she has never seen him so visibly relieved.

"Those son's of a gun did it..." He shakes his head and leans against his panel's. He instructs a way back to headquarters while a team takes to the sky and helps out down in the city. 

After a while of arguing with Agent Hill, Isabella is allowed to join this team and sits infront, piloting the jet. "Sending coordinates where you can land, Agent Wild." She carefully touches down and powers everything off, reaching up to flip switches.

She helps carry supplies and medical kits out for the other Agents to share with the people of New York as she watches an Ambulance drive up to the jet. The Avengers stumble out, Steve holding Tony up with a arm over his Team mates shoulder.

"And? How is he?" She carries a medical kit over to the two,handing it to Natasha.

"You know? I can still hear you Wild?" Tony looks up At her, a frown in his face. "You're so rude."

"Oh you haven't seen rude yet Stark. We need to get him out of his suit." Isabella gestures to his busted suit and her and Natasha start taking it apart. Tony often making comments about how they are doing it wrong and Isabella can only shake her head. She looks up from her work and spots Kalia.

Quickly she walks over and embraces her friend in a tight hug. "How are you feeling?" She asks, worried after what she saw on the footage. Kalia has to contain a giggle as Iz lift her arm and frowns at it.

"Just a bit Sore..." Kalia glances At something behind Isabella. "Uhmm excuse me. I have to go. I'll be right back."

Isabella looks behind her to see all the Avengers standing together. She smirks and steps back, patting Kalia's shoulder. "Pfft take all the time in the world."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"No definitly not Stark!" Isabella is arguing with the Playboy. If Kalia didn't show up, talked to Steve and then kiss him, she would have ripped out Starks throat.

"So you two?" Tony asks, taking the words out of her mouth. Steve randomly stumbles over his own words, trying to explain the 'complicated' relationship.

"Come on! The kiss must mean something bigger. Something serious." She throws her arms up in frustration. "A kiss always means something damnit!"

It's like Kalia just realized Isabella is also present. "Aren't you supposed to be with S.H.I.E.L.D?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your cell?" Isabella jokes and shakes her head. "This is S.H.I.E.L.D business. So yeah I'm here." She shrugs and waves goodbye to everyone when Thor takes Loki back to Asgard.

'Kalia and Steve... These two will be the death of her. If she had her way, they would already be all married. But... They'll get there.' Isabella smiles.

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