Chapter 4

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A while later, Isabella wakes up in a makeshift hospital bed and a doctor checking her leg. The doctor explains that the wound was indeed not big so she didn't lose a lot of blood but some of the burns where third degree. "...And with that I suggest that you stay in bed. At least until we can get all the injured into the hospital in time."

"No. Definitely not. I have to work." Isabella sits up and a little headache begins in the back of her head. "Come on. At least Monitoring!"

"That's what they all say... But your either in luck or just important enough for Hill wanting you back at the Bridge." The doctor shakes her head in disappointment. "Just be careful. Don't want this to be a permanent limb."

The doctor helps her out of bed and sends Iz back to the bridge.

- - - - - -

There was nothing she can do, other than sit by the controls of the Helicarrier, monitoring the city. Isabella's hit while fighting off Loki's people made her incapable of fighting, let alone walk and is so not able to help out her friend's down in New York. Anxiety almost takes her over while she checks up on the stats.

'No don't do that... Aand he did it. Kalia i swear to god... Wait were is Natasha? And Clint?...... I'll have a panic attack!' Her mind was going through any possible situations and consequences and it was making her headache worse.

Everything watching that battle made her stomach sink... Then rise again with hope only to fall again. Soon the team was arguing if they should close the portal now or still wait for Tony... But it was getting to close and Natasha closed the Portal, which just let an unconscious IronMan fall through and into the streets where the Hulk caught him.

Isabella sighed in relieve when she realize that the Avengers did indeed safe the day today.

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