[B2] Chapter 11

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They land a few kilometers away from the ships and after they all got suited up, quickly travel to the largest one. Where they arrive in time to see Ultron cut of the main man's arm (Get it? Main man?.... I'll see myself out)and pushes him through a door, Isabella guessing that there are stairs, judging by the sound that follows.

Kalia comes put of the shadows, turning to Stark since she easily teleported here. "Was that the man in the photo?"

"Yes." Tony flips his helmet over his face. Everyone gets into position as IronMan, Thor and Cap walk to face Ultron while the girls find positions for watch keeping. "Ahh Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart."

Isabella shifts in her position and gets a little closer to the doorway that leads to the team. Kalia nocks her arrow, aiming it at Ultron and Natasha watches with focus written over her face. Of course the higher place is taken by Clint with his arrows.

"If I have to." Ultron steps closer to the trio across from him.

"Nobody has to break anything." 

"Clearly you have never made an omelette."

"He beat me by one second." Tony slightly turns to Thor and all Iz can do is roll her eyes. 'Great the robot has Tonys humor. Like we need more of that in the world.'

The male Enchanted steps forward and Iz flinches. 'Oh shit-' She freezes. "Ahh, it's funny Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?"

Kalia slowly changes her aim to the male. "It's an enchanted." But Isabella didn't really catch what she or Tony said after that. 'Not... Now!' But she stays frozen by the doorway, staring at the man. 'This is so not professional!'

"He... He's-"

"Isabella! Don't. Say. It. You're going to make me throw up." Natasha fakes gagging and Iz slowly turns around, frowning.

"What did you think I was going to say?"

Natasha only smirks and soon the girls can hear Steve's voice. "You two can still walk away from this."

"Oh we will." The female response, the powerful witch.

"I know you've suffered." Steve tries again. It is clear he doesn't want to give up on them.

Ultron is quick to respond to this and Bella swears he sounds exactly like Tony. "Ugh. Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war." Ultron gestures towards his robotic mouth. "I can't physically throw up in my mouth..."

The anger rolling of Kalia is almost distracting as the former Hydra agent clenches her bow tighter.

"If you believe in peace let us keep it." Thor quickly interrupts the robot in this speech and Iz make a mental not to thank him later.

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'."

"Uh huh. So... What the Vibranium for?"

Its almost like Ultron gets excited about this. "I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." And with that he attacks Tony, throwing him back.

IronMan quickly gets up and tackles Ultron in the air. As the pair slowly start to get lost in their own fight, Iron Legions attack the men on the bridge and one flies to the girls hiding spot, pinning Kalia.

'She can handle it' Iz quickly glances back at Kalia before running out of cover. The douche of a 'main man' seems to be pissed as all the men in the ship start shooting anything that moves, doesn't matter if Legion or Avenger. Taking a running start, she lifts herself over the railing and jumps down into a group of armed men.

"We got do to this fair right?" She grins and immediately one of the men throws a punch at her, which she barely dodges. "Or the hard way..." Kneeing one in the face, she takes out her gun and shots two in the knees and shoulders. Killing wasn't really her thing and it was enough if they just passed out. A blond man grabs her leg and flips her over, kicking Iz in the face and ripping her from her thoughts. 'Ah stupid! Stupid!'

She reaches up and stares at her fingertip covered in red, thick, liquid. "Definitely the hard way now." Isabella growls and quickly swipes the blonds legs from under him and push his face into a wooden box from the pile next to her. Taking out the others one by one, she didn't even notice a slight breeze and something or someone knocks her into her side, spinning her around. "What the-"

The blue blur comes back, apparently to finish the job but Isabella almost saw it coming and starts a small sprint to throw them off guard. The blur suddenly stops and she sees it's that Male Enchanted, frowning. He became a blur again and she is thrown against a pole, gasping for air and sliding down it to the floor. "Seriously? Dude..." She looks up at him as he is standing over her. He doesn't say anything before Bella sees a gush of red light over her eye's and everything begins to blur..

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