[B2] Chapter 6

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'And no need to thank me either.' Isabella sighs and taps on the table with her pen, occasionally glancing up at the screen infront of her. 'Not like I wasn't the one who found out about this place...' The Avengers are at the moment a tiny bit occupied in Sokovia as the secret files from S.H.I.E.L.D that were published by  Black Widow into the world has some really interesting stuff in it.

Since the whole fiasco with S.H.I.E.L.D actually being secretly Hydra, the former S.H.I.E.L.D Agent stays with the Avengers, helping them find missions to take on. Hydra was still out there and the Avengers are picking them up and letting them vanish from this planet. All secretly of course.

"Would you like me to make a reminder for them to thank you later, Miss Wild?" A surprisingly human voice rings through the room and it make her almost drop her pen in suprise.

"Oh no no nope. That's fine Jarvis... Its ok." The brown haired girl laughs nervously and rubs the back of her neck. She didn't even realize that she had spoken that out loud. God she was so lonely. Even Gaz is making fun of her about it but she was busy the last couple of years. 

Pen in her mouth, she pushes of the desk and rolls over to a work bench, picking up a small device for a camouflage shield she has been tinkering on... Cause of her boredom. Twirling back just in time to hear Tony ask for the Iron Legion, Iz casually presses a button and watches the robots fly out to join the team.

"Hmmmm... Jarvis? Is it possible to feel jealous of robots? Wait don't answer that. Delete it." She places her chin on her hands and yawns. How in the world is she so bored? Thank god, her laptop starts to sing, signaling an incoming call from someone.

"Hey hey hey! How is my favorite Agent? Still bothered?" Gaz laughed at his own little joke and all Isabella could do is roll her eyes.

"Ha!... You're sense of humor surprises me to this day Gaz. But to answer that first one... Bored. As. Hell. You need to get me out of here." To add some dramatic effects, she moves into the camera on her laptop to show her urgency.

Gaz makes a face at her, like a he's trying really hard not to laugh. "Oh i would but I have a date tonight. Don't you?"

"Gaz I swear to god. It's so boring! The only way I'm keeping myself in shape is killing the boxing bag downstairs."

"But wouldn't you be missed?"

"By some! Clint, Natasha, and Kalia. Definitely Steve. He worries to much. But Tony wouldn't. The first chance he has and he WILL throw me out." Iz buries her face in her hands. "Also I haven't slept in days... Help." She whispers the last word and lets herself sink out of sight and onto the floor.

"Gosh. Such a drama queen... I miss you, you know?" She pops back up and smiles.

"Yeah I miss you too." The noise of Iron suits and a jet interrupts. "Aaaand they're back. Hey Gaz? Don't have to much fun without me. I'm still lonely."

"Oof. I'm not surprised with your face." He winks and logs out. She gives of a small laugh at that and quickly runs up to the landing deck. Arms crossed, Iz waits for the jets backside to open up and when it does, instantly smirks. Steve is helping Kalia out like a true gentleman.

"Glad to see you two all cosied up." She wiggles an eyebrow and brushes past the other Avengers. "Come to think of it... You two are very cosy these days."

Kalia raises an eyebrow at her friend. Her friend is trying really hard here for this 'ship' to happen. " Ah well... You'll find someone to cozy up with someday." 

Isabella flinches at the words and almost starts to choke on pure air. Wow that topic just wasn't letting her go. "That's if I do..." She nods at her friend and links arms with her. "But you know... This." She gestures downward to her body and both of the girls start to laugh, following the other's inside the Tower.

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