[B2] Chapter 9

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The rest of the Iron Legion bursts through the wooden door as everyone breaks into a fighting stance. At the sudden way the suits come crashing into the room, Isabella quickly throws one of the disks at a suit, resulting in it having one less hand. She activates her bracelet and twists it in a movement to give a signal to the disk, which comes flying back through the chest of the same robot.

One other suit flies straight at Steve and he throws up the coffee table to act as a shield. This doesn't hold it back, as it rams into it, knocking a couple people to the ground as some get thrown around and try to find a place to take shelter. 

Thor swiftly swings his hammer and catapults one of the suits out of it's flying path. Rodney and Tony slide down a tilted window, only for Tony to get knocked into a shelf and Ultron shooting Rodney out of the window onto the balcony. Everyone scrambles for a weapon to hold off these rogue suits.

Kalia furiously melts a robots face off and then smashes the rest of thdy into the ground, where she leans over to grab Cap's shield and throws it over to him. Meanwhile Isabella helps Maria up and together they make one of the suits swiss cheese.

"That was dramatic." The broken suit stumbles around. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well... You just don't think it through."

They all sit, catching their breath and silently listen to the robots speech. "What do you mean, we didn't think it through?"

"You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved, if it's not allowed to... Evolve?" Ultron walks up to a sliced up Iron Legion and picks it up by the head. "With these... These puppets?" In one single motion, he crushes the head.

"There is only one path to peace:..." He pauses and turns around to face them. "The Avengers extinction."

That pushes Thor over the edge and he throws his hammer at Ultron, smashing the robot into pieces. "I had strings... But now I'm free."

"You guys better have an explanation and it better be good." Kalia says angry at Bruce and Tony.

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"All our work, gone. Ultron cleared out using the internet as an escape hatch." Bruce says worried.

Isabella shows Kalia her tablet. "He's been in everything..." she begins and trails of. Oh this Isn't good at all...

"Files, surveillance..." Kalia lists off.

"Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Natasha states and Isabella shivers, getting distracted again and blending out the conversation around her.

'I blame it all on Tony...' Iz thinks angrily as she is shoved out of her thinking haze when Thor grabs Tony by the neck and lifts him up.

"Woah there calm down.. We'll track him..." Isabella nods at Maria who agrees with her and both of the women leave before a bigger fight breaks out in there.

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