[B2] Chapter 13

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Isabella is absolutely jealous of Clint. He has a damn safe house. And a family too. So much for having a quiet life as a superhero. But at the same time she is very glad for it. To see Clint happy and of course for somewhere safe to rest and gather her thoughts.

Isabella quickly jumps down the landing platform next to Kalia."What in the world?" Iz glaces at her friend who looks extremely confused at the situation.

She only shrugs, placing her hands at the back of her head, crossing them. "I never thought Clint lived in a house. Like this." For a moment, she takes one hand and points at the house infront of them. "I thought more of a nest you know?"

Letting her mind wander, she doesn't even take notice of the next words that tumble out of her mouth. "I seriously have to get that enchanted guys nu-" Snapping back to reality , she fakes a cough.

"Bella just please don't finish that." Kalia let out a laugh though, where Isabella could only frown.Together they follow Clint into the house, Avengers following close behind.

"Honey, I'm home." Clint calls into the depth of the house, still guiding Natasha inside. A small, beautiful, pregnant brunette walks out to meet him, only to hesitate at the sight of everyone else. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." The man sighs and kisses her.

Kalia slowly leans over to Isabella. "Alright... Now I am confused."

"This is an Agent of some kind." Tony quickly states directly at Thor.

The couple turns around to face the Avengers. "Guys, This is Laura." The woman,Laura, gives the all a awkward smile and a small wave 

"I know all of your names." Isabella nods and give her a soft smile, an attempt to calm her down since she is so obviously pregnant.

Behind her, Kalia gestured to the woman's growing stomach. "Congratulations by the way. So... Are you and Clint-"

"-Fonduing?" Steve interrupted her and Iz could only shake her head in amusement. These two really...

Clint shook his head and awkwardly let out a laugh. "She's my wife." Suddenly small footsteps could be heard, running eagerly towards the group. The Agent knew this sound all to well from her smaller siblings and only smiled brightly, this was going to be interesting. "Ohhh Incoming." Clint laughed again as the two children run around the corner and tackle him.

Tony looked absolutely terrified and leaned over to Thor. "And these are the smaller agents...."

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?"

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