[B2] Chapter 14

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-So yeah chapter 13 is NOT complete. I just kinda lost motivation there but I'll continue it soon xD


A lot was on her mind these past days. Lots of regretting choices and pondering over problems. And she thought about it still while she played with Clint's kids in the backyard. She thought the kids may take her mind off useless things that's why she took them off Clints hands, but it only worked for a bit.

"Ready or not here I come!" Isabella finished her count to twenty and slowly turned around with a smile. With this being the third round, she already knew every possible hiding spot for the two children but she liked to keep them in their little fun world and not be a party pooper. "Huh. So fast."

Slowly approaching a big bush next to the barn she talked loudly to herself, scratching her head with confusion."Now... Where could they be? They're so good at this game!" A small giggle erupted from the bush and then another voice shushing it. She smirked and crouched down, spreading the twigs of the bush aside to reveal the kids to her only for them to go into attack mode and tackle her. With a big oof she hit the ground, back first, and held onto the girl. "I got you!"

"No help! The bad guy got me!" The boy dived in to save his sister and tickled Isabella. Her one weakness and with a fit of laughter she let them go. "S-Stop!Ok! You guys win!" Satisfied, the crawled from her and ran away, probably to tell their dad of their victory. 

Isabella sighed and laid there, staring at the sky with her thoughts coming back to haunt her. Just as she was about to fall asleep a face came into her field of view. A face she didn't think to see again "Director Fury!" She scrambled upright and finally stood infront of him, dusting away strands of grass from her tank top.

"Agent Wild. Its good to see some good people still in service. Even with Shield gone." He gave her a quick nod.

"Well yeah you could say that sir."

"Aren't you suppost to be... Dead?"

"And you sir?"She chuckled and he followed, looking into the direction the kids had run off.

"I need you to come with me." Fury gestured to the barn and Iz followed like always. Like an order. She watches as Tony enters from the other side, checking the tractor and the follows Fury out in view. Like a follower.

Fury stood there, waiting for Stark to notice him. "Do me a favor. Try not to bring it to life."

Tony turned and scoffed, shaking his head. "Ah Mrs. Barton you little minx. I get it, Maria Hill called you, right? Was she ever not working for you? And then bringing that backup." He pointed at Isabella but she only frowned, clenching her hands by her sides because she knew what she could and couldn't do here.

"Artificial Intelligence. You never even hesitated." Both of the men approached each other slowly 

"Look,it's been a really long day, like, Eugene O'Neill long, so how about we skip to the part we're your useful."

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're going to shut him down."

"You're not the director of me."

"I'm not the director of anybody." Fury turned and sat down on a piece of equipment. "I'm just an old man, who cares very much about you." Isabella held her head sideways. That was new and a bit surprising as she looked over to Tony for a reaction. She could detect a small scoff and he glances over to her, almost in question.

He looks down again, breaking eye contact. "And I'm the man who killed the Avengers. So...I didn't tell the team, how could I?" He slowly, almost casually backs up. "I saw them all dead, Nik. I felt it. The whole world too. It's because of me. I wasn't ready. I didn't do all I could."

"The Maximoff girl... She's working you, Stark. Playing on your fear."

Tony did a 360. "I wasn't tricked. I was shown. It wasn't a nightmare. It was my legacy. The end of the path I started us on."

The director stood up to face Tony again and Isabella had to resist the urge to help him up. He was still healing but he would still rip her head off if she helped him with such a simple task so she just stood there, listening. "You've come up with some pretty impressive inventions, Tony. War isn't one of them."

There was a pause while Tony walked over to the tractor, cleaning his hands with a towel before he spoke up again. "I watched my friends die. You'd think that's as bad as it get right? Nope... Wasn't the worst part."

Now she finally understood and took a chance to speak up. "The worst part is that  you didn't." Fury nodded and slowly left, leaving the two behind in an awkward silence.

"Look Wild I'm sorry i snapped at you earlier, it was just-" She shushed him and shook her head as she picked up a wrench, inspecting it.

"Hey no need to apologize. I get it, you're very stressed. With this all."

Tony frowned. "Yeah... Well about that thing... In the lab..."

"Let's not. I should have stopped you to be honest but I didn't." Isabella gave him a small smile and he hesitantly gave one back.

"I was drunk. Sorry again."

This time it was a comfortable silence that settled before Isabella spoke up again."The tractor really does need fixing." She threw the wrench at him and he barely catches it.

"Way to ruin the mood, Wild." He rolled his eyes and disappeared behind the vehicle, Isabella only leaving with a smirk.

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