[B2] Chapter 10

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The next morning, Isabella is on full research mode, helping with tracing Ultron through the internet and taking reports of all the attacks Ultron causes around the globe. 

Robot's everywhere, hacking into special files, but what interests Iz more are the reports of the enchanted. Sipping her coffee, that she had since last night, she walks to the main room. "Just like Hill said...'He's fast and she's weird'..."

Nobody has even seen these enchanted expect Steve and Clint in Sokovia. From there they got their personas. Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Orphan twins who absolutely hate the Avengers, blaming them for everything wrong in the world.

She sighs and walks into the room, tablet in hand. Steve hands Kalia some files to look at and asks, "Fatalitys?" and Isabella takes a chance to jump in here.

"Only when engaged. Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears and something to fast to see." She states, looking up at the last statement.

"What about the enchanted? Any traces?" Kalia asks without looking up from the files she is reading.

"Sadly. We can't find them. But there have been a few reports that the female has been messing with people's minds."

Kalia raises an eyebrow and slowly speaks up. "Like showing their past memories? Or their fears?"

Iz shuts off her tablet and nods. All of that was correct and she must say, impressive. Kalia's expression change from confusion to sad. Guilt.

Her best friend then explains what she saw, when the witch messed with her head the other day. "I was at the training grounds and the flashbacks that I haven't had of my past came back. The worst memories." She pauses. "It made me angry and I had this sudden urge to burn this whole building down."

Isabella places a comforting hand on Kalia's shoulder. It hurts to see her friend broken like that... "If she's doing this to split us apart, it's working." Kalia shrugs and Iz takes her hand and squeezes, nodding. "That means that she going to get to you guys too."

"Of course he would go to the Maximoff's. They have something in common." Steve hands his part of the files back to Isabella as Hill walks in with a grim expression.

"Not anymore." She takes the tablet from Iz and hands it to Steve.

"What is this?" Tony asks as he looks at the screen.

"A message. Ultron killed Strucker." Tony takes the tablet from Steve as the blond man answers Stark.

Tony grimaced and handed the tablet back to Hill, not to Bella who frowned at that. "And he did a Banksy at the crime scene just for us..."

"This is a smoke screen... Why send a message when you've just given a speech?"

"Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss."

 Natasha grabs the tablet and checks the files on Strucker. "Yeah, I bet he-" She clicked away and looks up. "Yep. Everything we had on Strucker has been erased."

"Not everything." Kalia points at the boxes full of old files.

"Well damn. That's just great." Isabella mumbles under her breath and everyone starts to look through the files in search of something useful.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

Steve sighs and puts down his file. "Well... Looks like Strucker had a lot of friends."

"Who wants to be friends with him?" 

"Wait.... I know this guy." 

Isabella looks quickly up from the report she was reading and Kalia walks over to Tony, glancing at the photo and then to another one. "Who is he?" She gets interrupted by Steve as a small argument follows, all Iz can manage is a smirk. 

"Are you both sure you want to wait?" She raises an eyebrow at the pair with a knowing smile. 

Kalia looks like she has to keep herself from rolling her eyes, but poor Steve stays silent. "I am pretty sure."

The conversation turns back to the world threat. "This..." Thor points at a mark on the man's neck.

"Uhmm... It's a tattoo. I dont think he had it-" Was all Tony can muster before being interrupted again by Thor.

"No these are not tattoos, that's a brand."

The team talks about it for a while, all coming to the same conclusions. Ultron needs that vibranium that comes out of Wakanda... For something important.

"Where is this guy now?" Steve asks quickly, he seems ready to take that threat out of the way.

The former S.H.I.E.L.D agent locks eyes with Natasha and Bruce and like magic the have the same thought, smirks appearing on their faces


Holy S h i t ... Im so sorry for the wait! Writer Blocks are the worst... But sue me please ;-; 

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