Chapter 1 the magneficent lie

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"How much longer I have to wait?"

Percy blinked in surprise, shook his head in fatigue he hated his dreams, it was too real to be a dream, as he moved his gaze and mentally gasped it looked like a hall, the roof was covered with thousands of stars that he had never seen before, giant bronze pillars supporting the roof stood out, they matched the bronze floor he stood on.

He stopped observing as he moved his eyes at the source of the sound. There, near the window she was standing, tan skin, luscious black hair that reached her waist, she was tall and her eyes were black.

In front of her, a man marked his place near the pillar, his auburn hair gleamed and met his golden eyes, he uncrossed his arms and like the women, he was tanned.

"I told you before." He replied to her " others are also waiting." His face did not show any emotion.

The women let out a low growl, power was oozing from every pore of them, Percy gulped.

Zeus's power was nothing in front of them, Percy was surprised he was still alive and not in the form of ash.

"I never thought it would be so painful." She said her face fixed in a scowl. "If I had known before he would be with me."

Unlucky he was a thought that crossed his mind before the man spoke. "He would not like you, I am pretty sure."

"I WILL BLOCK HIS MIND" the woman screamed, she stomped like an angry child not getting any chocolate, which did not suited her as she looked crazy. Percy quickly looked away, trying not to laugh hard.

She walked away at the entry of the hall.

He returned his attention to the man. His eyes widened in shock and surprise as the man was looking directly at him, not behind him.

Percy's eyes met the most beautiful golden eyes.

He spoke.

Percy shot up, concentrating in his head trying to keep his dream inside his head, but the dream was already gone and settled in the back of mind. He moved his right hand, diagonally towards his aching mark on his backside.  He couldn't remember anything, except two words.

Be prepared.


Next Day

Sally Jackson sighed tiredly, staring at the full moon. As she heard her children calling for her.



Sally shook her head.  "coming."

She was greeted by a familiar sight. The room looked like a mini hurricane had approached, books were spread all over the floor, pillows ripped apart after a giant pillow fight.

Her children stood a few feet apart, glaring at each other. Dayna pushed her silky brown locks away from her amethyst eyes. They both noticed her presence as soon as she came and said at the same time "she/he started it ". They both were lean and tall, most beautiful people she had ever laid her eyes on Percy had silky jet-black hair with beautiful black-silver-sea green iris. She never looked them in their eyes, if she looked, then it was like her soul had been laid bare to judge. She felt odd when she thought about them, she could not see her own children's eyes.

She walked forward grabbed them, both by their ears, "both of you are sixteen, yet you both behave as you are in kindergarten".

"Mom, but kindergarten children can't rip pillows right?." Dayna did her best to protest, but she was soon awarded by a pinch. Percy snickered, Sally shot him a look that could have made even a god run. He is an obedient son, stopped.

She left their ears, and announced happily, "we are going to celebrate Dayna's birthday at Camp half-blood." Percy's eyes lit up with excitement, Her daughter didn't make any moment, and what was more she refused to meet her eyes.

"Dayna, what happened?." Sally asked. A  worried expression on her face. 

"Nothing, I just wanted to spend day after tomorrow with both of you." Percy shot  her a glance, but Dayna ignored.  " tomorrow is the day you should spend with your friends and besides you love Camp half-blood." Not anymore. Dayna thought. "But it is not my real birthday, dad just wanted to celebrate it!"

Sally clapped her hands to bring attention," no ifs and buts, clean your room, otherwise, I don't mind both of you sleeping on the floor. She tiptoed and kissed Dayna on her head and then she kissed Percy right on his lips, as always. "Good-night," and shutting the door behind her.

Percy touched his lips, glancing at Dayna. "Don't worry Annabeth will not mind." She said her words filled with contempt. "


This is the new chapter. I have dedicated this chapter to  Orex366, for encouraging me, thank u may you be successful in medical.

Deepest Darkest SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora