Chapter 9 facing the reality

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Percy opened his eyes.

Unlike his sister he opened his eyes on the land.

His head was pounding, it was clear that it was after midnight everything was very dark under the thick canopy of trees surprisingly, he could see everything.

Even more surprising, in this dense forest at this hour of the day he was not alone.
In front of him was a person man or women he could not tell, the person wore a heavy cloak, he noticed that the person had an owl on his arm which was staring at him relentlessly as soon as Percy met his gaze, it lowered its gaze, bowed his head as if in greeting, and went away in the night.

The person had yellow eyes which glowed in the darkness, and then the person spoke. The voice was very rough and old, it sounded like a man and a woman was speaking at the same time, in the same way.

"Welcome, Perseus Jackson, son of chaos adopted the son of order and Tartarus, brother of Delia Jackson, the fifth guardian of the universe, l...

Percy followed his sister steps, he too fainted. The power had drained him.


Percy woke up after being slapped twice.

"Percy! If you are done having your beauty sleep, will you care to get up we are not at home but in the forest and no way to get out!"

After blinking many times he saw his sister shaking her hand furiously in front of him.


"Yes, I get up, how did you ended up here, why I am here, who was that creature, where are w..."

"Calm down." Percy interrupted. "I don't know how did I ended up here, why I am here or who was that neither I know were are we."

For the First time Percy observed his sister he was as tall as Dayna, her brown locks shined even when few leaves and twigs were stuck in her hair and her amethyst eyes expressed more, her skin glowed from few rays of morning sun.

He stared into her now darker amethyst eyes.
"You have transformed."

"I could say that too."

"What do you mean by that?

"Brother dear."Dayna grinned.

"Absolutely not, sister dear."

Dayna rolled her eyes. Percy started "what are you doing here for three months?"

"Percy, I know you had a large chunk of brain missing  when I saw you first-time , is it not too much."

"No, I am not you went missing three months back on your birthday, and since then no one heard you. Remember, that purple light and dead people appearing an..."

"Yes, I remember that. I woke up in the sky falling and then a person appeared, instead of helping me that person started speaking something I have no clue and then I fainted, I woke up few minutes ago before you, it was very dark but I could easily see through it and then I found you".

"You were fainted for three months." Percy exclaimed.

"Umm... Whatever now tells me your point of view."

Percy sighed. It was tough to tell a story to Dayna, she would always get excited in inappropriate parts, would always speak in between and comment at everything.

Strangely, this time she decided to stay quiet and heard his story with a blank face. Percy told Dayna from beginning. Her claiming, the commotion after that, his birthday and the hand on his shoulder.

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