Chapter 11 illusions

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"Who cares."

These two words echoed in Hera's mind, almost criticizing her. She glared at the spot where Lady chaos stood. She did not care about those two young demigods, and what happened to them, but she her own suspicions that the person closest to her was walking on the same path on which the two demigods walked before. Her trail of thoughts was stopped by Ares.

"What does she think she is" Ares clutched the armrest of his throne. If I got a hold of her, I will..."

"Ares, we cannot do anything, you should control your anger."Athena said her voice held sorrow, "we cannot do anything, but what she said was not true, We all love our children unconditionally "Athena smiled fondly at her children who all blushed. Chiron's eyes flickered towards Zeus who nodded, Chiron mentioned the demigods to turn back and move towards the gate. They all bowed and followed their mentor.

Once the gate closed. All the gods dropped their masks. First time in their immortal lives someone has disrespected them so much.

Poseidon finally looked up, rage and hatred evident in his eyes. "All primordials are heartless,"he spat. "How dare she call herself ruler of the universe?

"Poseidon, it is disrespectful,"Zeus said taking deep breaths, everyone looked at him stunned her husband's pride has been deeply wounded she never thought he would be so calm, he was the last person to be at this moment, no one had ever dared to say those things at him, but somewhat Chaos had told the truth. She had given a clear message what she thought of Olympians.

Her husband was right, Chaos could be watching them, they should better hold their tongues.She was not sure about others, but Hera had never felt such restricted.

Except one time. Which was to tell Zeus about Kai or not.

Zeus flashed leaving a gust of ozone air. Everyone adopted his idea and went back to their respective domains thinking various ways to get those barriers out of their minds, allowing them to think properly, or perhaps thinking about how to torture Chaos.

Only Hera and Aphrodite were left.

Hera raised her eyebrows; the goddess of beauty hadn't even noticed that Hera was still present there. She never looked so serious her usual cheery self was also missing after Dayna's claiming.

Hera cleared her throat loudly.

"What,"Aphrodite snapped, she rarely snapped at people. Hera blinked in surprise, after realizing who she had just snapped at she brushed her hair from her face and giggled sheepishly.

"Uh...I was thinking about my boyfriend it is his twentieth birthday."Aphrodite said sweetly."Do you have any ideas ab -."She didn't stay hearing the rest of it. She had already enough on her plate. She appeared at the top floor of her palace. Taking hurried steps she stomped in her adopted son's room. "KAI," Hera shouted.  "WHERE ARE YOU, WE ARE HAVING A TALK.

"Mom, why are you shouting? Did Zeus cheat again?"Hera knew Kai hated nothing more then her talks about how she will make Zeus suffer, make him beg for her forgiveness and a million things. In a millisecond she grabbed his shoulders and shook them, "Kai, I want to know everything about you."

"Mom, you are my best friend, I tell you almost everything." In her distress she did not notice the word 'almost'. She brushed his dark blue hair away from his crimson eyes, they were even darker then Ares and expressed variety of emotions at same time. "Yes," she breathed,"You can tell me everything, are you secretly going out? Or venturing in the mortal world? Or liking a girl..."

Kai cringed at the last one, surely he was not hiding that.

"Mom aren't you going a little too far?"

Hera fought an urge to smile,"you are almost sixteen, you should start looking for girls."

"Mom... why are you so keen to get me married?

"I am the goddess of marriage, of course I would like to have my son married and live a happy married life, and if you dared to cheat I will kill you."

Kai rolled his eyes. Hera hugged her son against her chest. She must be having illusions. He had no extra powers.Why was she here? a strange force calmed her mind. Her son is the same as before, he is not going to leave her, he will remain with her, as soon he reaches sixteen she will introduce him to the council, they will love him, no one will destroy her plans. If they tried to destroy them, she would destroy them.

"Mom you should rest."

"You are right." She kissed his forehead." Goodnight"

Kai's gently waved his hand, as bye.


Kai shook his head tiredly as the door of his room closed. He turned back toward his garden as the footsteps faded away. The garden was vast, His mother had charmed it, it stretched as far he could see, he rested his arms on the golden railing and observed the stars. After a while he clapped his hands. A shadow appeared out of nowhere beside Kai and bowed.

" I want you to watch mother and inform me if something happens."

"Yes, anything else you want me too, master."

Kai thought for a moment. "No, thank you."

The shadow merged with the darkness surrounding it.


Sorry, for the delay but I got very busy because of tests.

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