Chapter 15 The first murder

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Disclaimer: This chapter contain abuse and gore. Not ideal for children and for faint- hearted.
You might feel uncomfortable reading some scenes. Tread carefully. You have been warned.

'Really", Psyche squealed in delight, clapping her hands like a child who got an early Christmas present.

"Um... yeah," Delia said twirling the end of her long silky hair. "You guys had so much fun these years." Psyche definition of fun was completely different from the normal definition of fun.

For gods demigods fighting for their life was Damn fun, saving the world is one of your usual jobs if you fail one of these gods will surely end your life. They were describing their quests or according to Psyche 'their adventures' without sharing the same enthusiasm.

"You have killed monsters too." unlike Percy and Delia who had placed themselves on the fresh green grass, she sat at the edge of the stone, captivated by two demi-primordial.

"Yes," a nerve twitched in Delia's temple. "Or how else we would have escaped them."

"Wouldn't your parents helped you to overcome these monsters?" her answer was greeted by silence, neither of the siblings met her eyes.

Yes, of course, their parents helped them, by foolishly creating them, they always wondered why they attracted monsters even more then Thalia, who was a daughter of the king of gods. The stronger is your aura, unfortunately, their was and this created more chances to die tragic deaths.

Pchye quickly changed the topic sensing the tension in the atmosphere. Leading to a more dreadful topic which Perseus really wanted to avoid at this time.

"Have you ever murdered a human?."

"No, we have not- Percy where are you going?." Percy turned away from his sister questioning gaze and started walking towards the castle direction.

"Just remembered something, no need to worry about."

After spending years with her brother, when he specifically said nothing to worry about there was definitely something to worry about. Delia narrowed her eyes and got up only to be pulled back Psyche " Boys at his age need their space." The fire in her eyes to hear about their quests was a bit diminished after hearing that they had killed no human. One of the only sources of entertainment for gods was seeing demigods cross the river Styx.

Much to Delia's annoyance, these questions were not about to end so soon.


Delia unknowingly had lied.

She had said, 'we'. She did not know even if she had known she would have surely lied.

After all, at that time he was only eleven, surely this will be counted as a mistake. According to Perseus, it wasn't it was intentional.


Percy was blindfolded and being dragged into an alley, New York was a huge city and consisted of a fair number of allies which were to compensate for a place to commit crimes and to hide from prying eyes.

Sounds of thunder echoed in the background, sure there was going to be a thunderstorm.

He was sure it was an alley because of the smell of the dumpsters. His kidnapper was sure a women because thin arms had circled his torso and was dragging him, he knew she was drunk as she reeked of alcohol and she was wearing high heels because of the sound of her funny footsteps were similar to his mother's when she late for her job and trying her level best to run in heels, they would always laugh at her. Percy wondered whether was his last time to laugh at that topic.

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