Chapter Two - Beau

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It was a beautiful fall day in Pittsburgh. Beau had gotten back from a late morning practice when he ran into Drew with Hubert on a leash and Hudson on her hip.

"Hey love." He kissed her cheek and did the same with his son.

"We're going for a walk, want to come?" He would be leaving later today, but he had the time to join them.

"Yeah of course. Let me go put my bag inside." Beau walked into the house, leaving the door open, and threw his bag on the floor in the coat closet.

"Will you bring the stroller too please?" She called after him. He nodded and grabbed the folded up stroller from by the front door.

The golden retreiver puppy was pulling on the leash, ready to go. Drew was talking to him when Beau got back.

"I did good picking him out, didn't I?"

"Yeah. You usually know just what I want." She beamed, setting their son down.

"I try."

"What time do you leave tonight?"

"I have to be there at 5." This wasn't the first long road trip and it wouldn't be the last, but he didn't want to leave Drew. He wanted to spend as much time with her since things were going good right now. But then again, maybe he needed some time away to just play hockey and get everything off his mind. That usually helped their relationship, as sad as it sounded.

Beau kissed his son and fiancee goodbye before heading off on a road trip. He would be gone for five days. The team would start in Winnipeg, then to Minnesota, and end in Chicago. They knew they had the first one in the bag, the second one was almost guaranteed. If they played like they should.

"How are you and Drew doing?" Robert asked as he sat down in the seat next to him. Lately, Beau hasn't exactly been feeling it with Drew anymore. As much as he tried to describe "it", he couldn't. He still loved Drew more than anything, but something was off.

"As of right now we're good. She was kind of pissed that I was late to lunch the other day."

"Maybe if you start acting like you're getting married, she might not get pissed so often." Robert shrugged as he pulled out his iPad.

"I just can't lose her, ya know. She's my everything and I know she would take Hudson with her."

"Yeah. I do remember you being a complete mess when she went to California." The Canadian was getting annoyed with what his best friend was saying. It wasn't that hard to show someone you loved them.

"Hey, I thought I lost her." Beau defended himself. He remembered the times he spent crying and leaving messages on Drew's phone. She never answered or returned the call. He had her now and that's all that mattered.

"Yeah, whatever." Rob rolled his eyes and went back to playing a game on his tablet. He was then interrupted by iMessages popping up from his wife.

Beau looked over to see Robert smiling at the pictures of Scarlett making faces. Beau wished he had a relationship like theirs, solid and loving. He knew that he was the only one to blame that his wasn't.

He opened up his photo album from Hudson's first birthday. Drew insisted that they got professional photos taken. She was determined to get them done for his second birthday too. He knew that he needed to change, he has for a while now.

"Scarlett says she thinks you can change. She believes in you and wants you to stick with Drew." Beau's former roommate told him.

After their game in Minneapolis, Robert and Beau stayed in for the night to skype their significant others. Hudson had been in bed for a few hours now, but Drew stayed up to talk to him.

"I'm just nervous for the game tomorrow. I haven't been doing as well as I should," Beau admitted.

"You're doing fine. You'll do great tomorrow, I know you will." She smiled sweetly, reassuring her fiancé.

"Thanks, Drew." He wasn't so sure. It was known throughout the hockey community that Kane didn't like him, not that Beau liked Patrick either, and that he sometimes would target him and be rougher than usual. Even if there was a four inch height difference. "How's everything back home?"

"Not the same without you. But it is nice when Hudson asks to sleep in our bed. Not as lonely then." Beau smiled, missing his family back in Pittsburgh. Just three more days.

"I miss you two."

"I miss you too, Beau." There was a dog barking in the background. "Hubert misses you too."

"Only a couple days until I get to see you. Oh, we're going on a date the day after I'm back, too. So don't plan anything."

"Hudson is going to be so upset that I can't watch Hercules with him that night." Drew was wide eyed, trying to be serious about this.

"Yeah, but he can watch it with Scarlett and Robert. He said that they could babysit for us."

"I'm excited though." Even with Hudson and hockey season, Beau found time to take Drew out because he knew she enjoyed spending time alone with him. Especially with food.

The plane had landed in Chicago and Beau turned on his phone. He had a few texts from Drew and his family, but he didn't read them. Just sent a single text out to someone he probably shouldn't have.

<< Just touched down. Game tomorrow, see you after? :)

Robert looked over and shook his head. "Maybe that's why Drew is pissed," he mumbled, "Not that hard to, you know, stop being a tool and be faithful."

>> See you then babe :)

"I haven't cheated on her." Beau defended himself.



Not as long as I would have liked it to be but the ending is all I had planned out.

How y'all feeling about this? Let me know!

Actually, I probably know how y'all are feeling. Still want to hear feedback :)

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