Chapter Seventeen - Beau

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"So what do you think, Drew? Are you going to try again with me? Or are you going back with Patrick?"

Beau knew that was a loaded question. He wasn't quite sure if he wanted to hear the answer or not. Luckily, she waited for a while. He wished that it wouldn't be hard for her to answer, but he also liked that it wasn't easy for her to choose between the two hockey players.

Then again, she only wanted what was best for their child. If she decided Patrick was the better option, getting to see his son would become much more difficult. She would move to Chicago and live with Patrick. There's no way he could keep his son in Pittsburgh with him. Even with a nanny.

"I'm pregnant, Beau." She started to silently sob across the room from him.

He was shocked. While they weren't trying for another child, they weren't actively trying to prevent one. Beau was just relieved that it was with Drew and not someone else. Then again he was very careful when he slept with other girls.

"I uh.. I-" Beau struggled for words, just like he had been the entire time he was here. He was worried that his son and Drew's parents would walk in on her crying. He already was in enough trouble with the people that loved his fiancee.

"Patrick said I should go back to California. Work for the Galaxy again. Then I wouldn't be completely alone. Your family would be there to help. I mean, I would hope that they would. But he doesn't know I'm almost four months along."

"Who am I supposed to pick?"

"I can't decide for you, Drew. I can try to win you back. If you give me the chance, I promise I will be faithful and spend all the time I can with you and Hudson and our next child."

Drew contemplated what he was saying. The look on his face was convincing enough to make her think about his offer more than she would have earlier.

"Okay. You're going to have to win me all over again." She grabbed her phone out of her back pocket and dialed Patrick. Beau was confused, but knew she was up to something. The grin on her face was a dead giveaway.

She set the phone on speaker and placed it in front of her.

"Hey what's up?" Patrick's voice made it obvious that he just woke up.

"I'm sitting in my parents kitchen with Beau and you're on speaker. Since both of you seem to want me and I can't seem to decide, I'm going to date both of you."

"What?" The two hockey players said in unison. Bennett didn't want to go up against Kane, but he did have an advantage. Then again, he also cheated on her.

"That's right. Both of you are going to woo the shit out of me and I will decide whether my name is changing to Bennett or Kane at some point. If you don't like it, then my decision just got easier. I'll fly back and forth depending on games, but I do expect nice dates and while you can try to get in my pants, don't be surprised if I turn you down. I like being chased and I'm going to make you work hard for it."

Neither of the hockey players said anything, "I need to know if you're in or not."

"I'm in." Patrick told her.

"Me too."

"Good. It's settled. I'll go back to Pittsburgh and Hudson can stay here with my parents. Then I'll go to Chicago and figure things out from there. Oh, and I'm pregnant again, Patrick. Might want to plan around that."

Neither of them realized the door had opened and her father was standing there for part of the conversation.

"You're pregnant again?" Drew's eyes widened and Beau was somewhat scared that he might be taken out back and shot by his fiancée's father.

"And I'm dating two guys. Who would've thought?" She laughed and got up to grab herself a glass of juice and sat back down. Beau refused to look up, scared to meet her father's glance.

"So I'm guessing he's the father."

"I haven't told him otherwise." It was obvious that even though Drew wasn't pleased with her fiancé, she didn't like that her father was being anything other than respectful to him. He was, after all, the father of her children.

Beau wasn't exactly surprised that he asked. There's no way Drew wasn't hooking up with Patrick occasionally. That was going to be a problem when it came to dating her.

"He's staying for dinner too. I want steak."

"I think your mom actually wanted to go out for lunch. I'll go get Hudson. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you, Beau."

Hudson ran into the room, straight to his father. Beau's face lit up and so did everyone else's. "Daddy!"

"Hey bud. How's grandma and grandpa's house?" He picked up his son and kissed his cheek.

"Fun." The little boy giggled as his father tickled him. It was hard for Beau to ignore the fact that Drew was beaming at the two of them, almost in tears. It was something that she didn't know was going to happen for a while.

"So about that date." Beau turned to Drew, "Are you open tomorrow night?"

"Well I guess I kind of have to be." She smiled and kissed his cheek before going into her room and changing clothes.

After dinner, Beau and Drew took a walk outside. It was a little cold, but they didn't mind. They were enjoying themselves.

"So does this count as our first date?" Beau laughed as they fed an apple to one of the horses.

"This has gone a lot better than the first night we went out together. Our relationship is pretty much like reliving that night over and over again."

"Okay. I deserved that one. I hope that I can make it up to you somehow." He stared at her petting the black horse in front of them. "Can I kiss you?"

She smiled, biting her lip. "I guess I can let you have just one."

He pulled her close and made her wait for it. He knew it was driving her crazy, but he loved seeing her smile. It's been all too long that he's seen it. Finally, their lips connected.

When they parted for air, she barely whispered, "This is going to be harder than I thought."

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