Chapter Sixteen - Drew

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Drew was at her parent's house alone for the day. She planned on taking a bubble bath and reading before her mom and dad came back with Hudson. When there was a knock on the door, she wasn't expecting the Californian standing in front of her.

"What do you want Beau?"

"Please, can we just talk this through? I want to make this work." She opened the door wide enough for him to go inside. She was upset that he didn't come to Iowa sooner, but she wasn't happy that he was here either. It had taken him so long that she had stopped caring, especially since Patrick was doing everything that he could to make her happy. Sending her flowers, calling her a few times a day,

"Go on. Tell me how you want me back and are apparently going to do whatever you can to make me want to go back to Pittsburgh. Please, amuse me." Drew distanced herself from her fiancee.

He tried to come up with words to make her stay, but all he could do was make some incoherant sounds. Drew looked at him like he was stupid. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be in Chicago with Patrick, even if he was in Dallas for a few days. Being in his house would make her happier.

"I don't know what you want Beau. I thought I was giving you what you wanted but apparently not." She yelled across her parents kitchen. Drew was thankful that they took Hudson out to play with the animals because she didn't want her little boy hearing what was going on.

"I want you, Drew. I want a family with you." He stepped closer to her but she only backed away.

"Beau you go out and flirt with other girls. Make out with them. Who knows, maybe even sleep with them. You barely act like you love me. I'm not a frickin' swinging door, Beau. You either love me and only me or I'm leaving. If you even have to think about this, I'm leaving if you don't prove yourself."

"I want you. I want to get married to you."

"Then act like it!"

"I'm trying!"

"Like hell you are Beau. Cheating on me when you're away is not acting like you want to get married to me." She ran her hands through her hair, pulling on it. "You either love me all the fucking time or you don't. It's up to you. Are you going to fucking love me or not?"

"I want to fucking love you. You make it so damn hard."

"How am I so damn hard to love? I don't flirt with other guys. I do everything I possibly can for you and Hudson. Tell me. What did I do wrong?" She begged.

"Nothing. I'm the one that fucked up."

"At least you know this." She scoffed. "You're the biggest fucking idiot that I know. Why did you think it was okay for you to go and sleep with other girls while I'm at home, wishing you were sleeping beside me?"

"I was lonely." He quietly admitted.

"You were lonely. You? Ha. What about me? What about me Beau? What about the fact that I waited and waited on the nights you went out instead of coming home to me and Hudson. He absolutely loves seeing his uncle and wrestling him and playing with Patrick. He asks where you are all the fucking time. What am I supposed to tell him? That we're just visiting for a month and then he'll see you again? Tell me, Beau. What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly." She walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Tell him that his father loves him and he will do absolutely everything he can to keep him in his life."

"You're such a lying sack of shit, Beau." She laughed as she sipped on the bottle of water.

"I want you back, Drew. I need you. I know you've heard the stories of me being unfaithful but what about the stories that I have been?'"

She laughed, "What stories? I haven't heard them before. Does Robert know? Because I'm sure he's preiccupied with sleeping with his wife at the time." She said, "Or at least I would be. Scar is hot and real. I would date her but I'm so fucking hung up on you that I can't. I can only think about the guy that cheats on me."

"I'm sorry." He muttered, still unable to meet her eyes.

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have done this," She yelled, "Or at least you wouldn't have done it multiple times. That's the problem."

Beau stood there, still unable to speak a coherant sentance to his fiancee. She was the only one to say anything at the point and to "say" was underestimated her power. She was yelling. No one really took her seriously unless she was yelling and now, Beau figured it was time to take her serious.

She thought it was funny, that he didn't care until she swore, but that was usually the case.

"Beau. What are you thinking?" Drew was confused at this point. It was hard to know what he was thinking. Mainly because he's always expressionless unless he's happy.

Expressionless wasn't the right word to say, but you could never really tell what Beau was thinking.

"I love you with absolutely everything I have, Beau. Why did you throw that all away?" She wondered, sitting down at her kitchen table. She stared at the bottle in front of her, wondering if she should finish it off or wait until dinner time.

"I'm an idiot. I know that. I don't want to lose you or Hudson." He told her. She scoffed once again, of course he doesn't want to lose his son. "Most of all, I don't want to loose you. Remember when you left for California? It's the same situation, except we have a child together. If I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't have been so reckless and gotten you pregnant, trust me. Robert hasn't gotten Scarlett prgnant because she has to get through grad school."

"Oh.. So you're saying Robert wasn't as reckless as you because Scarlett needs to finish school?"

"No, Drew." He tried calming her down. That was a long shot right about now." Robert just was more careful because he knew he wasn't sure he could take care of Scarlett, and a baby, and put her though grad school, or at least pay for the living expenses because her parents are putting her though grad school at this point and time."

Drew didn't want to look at him. Or eat. Or drink anything. Beau was being a complete ass and she knew that. But she knew she had to make a choice sooner or later about whether or not to stay with her fiancee. She didn't know when that would happen.

"So what do you think, Drew? Are you going to try again with me? Or are you going back with Patrick?"

Beau's face was full of sorrow and Drew didn't' know what to say. She didn't want to go with either at the current time. She had no idea what was best for her little boy. She knew that he should have his father in his life, but Patrick was right. Hudson wouldn't know the difference, but right now, it was what Drew wanted.

Did she want her child to grow up with his actual father or his godfather?

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