Chapter Twelve - Beau

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Robert had temporarily moved in with Beau after Drew went to her hometown. The two moped around his house while desperately trying to get ahold of their significant others. Robert had been holding up pretty well, but then something inside of his switched and all he wanted to do was sleep and drink. Just like his wife had been doing for the past few weeks.

The two of them were sitting in the den watching some stupid reality show. Beau wanted to watch the Kardashians for the sole reason of seeing Kim's ass. He was trying to distract himself from the fact that Drew wouldn't call him back.

Robert couldn't stand the show, but there were times Scarlett made him watch it because of how much she loved Scott Disick. They're personalities were a lot alike. He sat through it just to make Scarlett happy. It wasn't even halfway through the episode when he walked to the fridge and grabbed a few beers.

"You're the one that fucked up, Beau. Now suck it up and turn the channel before I tell everyone you were watching the Kardashians."

"Fine I'll change it." Beau dramatically grabbed the remote and turned it to FX. Iron Man was on for the third time this week. He stared at the screen, not necessarily watching whatever was going on. "Do you think she'll take me back?"

Robert finished his beer and started another before replying. He didn't know. He didn't even know if his own wife was going to come home. He wouldn't blame Drew if she didn't come back to Pittsburgh. It was almost obvious that she was in Iowa and Patrick was making the drive as many times as he could, but Beau didn't want to accept that he's slowly losing his fiance.

"I don't know. If she cheated on you multiple times with Kane would you take her back?"

"Well, no."

"You don't deserve to have her back, Beau. You're a dumbass."

"You and Scarlett are like the same person." Beau mumbled, not liking what his best friend was telling him.

"I married her because she makes me a better person. I've gotten more involved in charities, I do more for the ccommunity. What do you do since you got engaged to Drew? Sleep around?"

"I can kick you out of my house, you know that right?"

"Would you rather have me here or Scar?"

"You." Beau muttered, stealing one of Robert's unopened beers.

"That's what I thought." Bortuzzo got up and grabbed a bottle of tequila from the freezer. It was Drew's, no doubt. Beau couldn't handle it. Robert hated it, but the beer wasn't doing anything for him.

Beau wondered why no one ever let him forget what he did. It was in the past, he couldn't take it back. Even if he wished he could. He was sorry. He really was. He just wanted to wake up next to his fiancee again. He missed playing with his son.

"Why aren't you trying harder with Scarlett?" Beau knew this was a loaded question, but he didn't really care.

"Why aren't you trying harder with Drew?" He shot back.

"I am trying."

"Beau. You're injured. You can easily fly down there and try to win her back."

"Why don't you go home and try to win Scarlett back."

Robert looked at his teammate unamused and took a pull from the bottle. He would most likely regret this at practice tomorrow. Even though it didn't matter when how well he practiced or played, he was usually a healthy scratch.

"I call and text her a few times a day, let her know how much I love her and miss her. Anything more she would just push me farther away. She doesn't want to see me for a reason and I accept what I did. Eventually she has to talk to me."

"What if it's not the conversation you want to have?"

Robert took a deep breath, "Then I'll have to deal with it. Listen, I've accepted that I'm a dumbass. Now you need to. Shouldn't be that hard because you're an idiot most of the time." He started laughing. It was all he could do to keep from overthinking.

Once his friend started his drunk rambling, Beau was lost in his own world. Sure, he wanted Scar and Rob to get back together so that they would be happy again. But he also wanted his house to himself.

He got up to get a glass of apple juice while Robert was slurring his words. He was going off about how he missed Scarlett and just wanted her back.

"Shut up Borts. No one cares."

"Drew probably cares." Being Beau's best friend, Robert knew exactly how to push his buttons. "I even kissed her first."

"She kissed you to make me jealous. She used you. She's better than Scarlett anyway."

Robert thought about that for a minute, but shook his head. "Maybe for you. I feel like I would break Drew emotionally. Scarlett I can mess around with and not have to worry about hurting her. She's the strongest person I know. She'd probably hurt me in a fight."

"Because you would let her." Beau scoffed. He didn't think Scarlett was that special. No one did, in fact. It was only Robert that did. But Rober was the only one that really knew her.

"Sure. Whatever makes you happy, Beau." Robert rolled his eyes and went back to drinking the tequila that made him regret ever starting tonight.

"Drew. Drew makes me happy." He stated. "Watching Hercules with her and Hudson makes me happy."

"And Scarlett makes me happy."

"You can get Scarlett back."

"That's not completely true, Beau. I don't know whether I'm getting my wife back. Just like you don't know if your fiancee is coming back."

"She has to. Hudson can't have a broken home."

"Hudson won't know the difference between you and his godfather. He might not have a broken home." Robert reminded him. Beau hated that feeling. He was Hudson's father. Not Kane.

"Would you stop? He's my son. She's my fiancee. I will make this better, no matter what."

"Beau, just remember you are the one that fucked up. Just like I fucked up. But your situation is a little more complicated."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to bed." He threw his beer bottles away and headed up to his room. Well, the room he used to share with Drew and sometimes Hudson.

He laid in bed that night thinking about how good Drew was to him and how he completely fucked it up. Even from the start, he messed it up. He wondered how he would even begin to convince Drew to come back. He really screwed up and everyone knew that except for him.

He was confused. Every girl he was ever with would always come back to him because he was Beau Bennett. All the girls loved the fact that he was the least bit interested. Except for Drew. She knew that there was a better hockey player waiting for her in Chicago and Beau hated that, but there was nothing he could do about that.

He couldn't turn back time. He couldn't change what had happened, he just wished he hadn't so selfish and thought about how this would affect his family instead of just wanting to get off while he was away from Drew.


Comments yo. They help my drunk self.

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