Chapter Eighteen - Patrick

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Patrick didn't like this whole Drew dating two guys idea, but he knew that if he wanted a real chance with Drew, he had to deal with it. He also didn't like the fact that she was pregnant again and the odds were against him but once again, he had to deal with it.

The Blackhawk picked Drew up from the airport, excited to get some alone time with her, in his own apartment.

"So how was Pittsburgh?" He asked as they started towards his downtown home.

"Great. I spent some time with Scarlett and a few others. Really made me miss the place." He though about asking her how the date went, but realized that wouldn't be a good idea. He thought it was better to know what else he was up against. "What's on the agenda for the night?"

"I'm going to take you dinner and then after I don't really have anything planned. I figured we could go back to my place and have a bottle of wine. Er, maybe not the wine. But movies. If you want to take it easy. I thought you would want to, at least.

"Patrick, you're supposed to plan this. Not me. I'm here to go wherever you plan." She reminded him. Beau didn't make her choose anything. He even stayed with Robert and Scarlett while Drew was in Pittsburgh.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to drop you off at my place to get ready and I'll be back around 7." He walked her up to the apartment and kissed her cheek.

He went to one of his teammates to relax and get ready.

"How is she?"

"Good. She looks amazing."

"Pregnancy glow?"

"It's not fair." Patrick whined, "She could have been mine."

It was the same story all the time. Patrick could be Drew's but he wasn't. Now Jonathan was sick of his whining and he didn't care for the nervous breakdowns about what Beau was taking her to do.

The two of them sat on Jon's couch and played FIFA until it was time for Patrick to pick up Drew. Jonathan wished him good luck, he would definitely need it. They both knew that.

Patrick stopped to pick up the flowers he had ordered for Drew and then was off to his place. He knocked on the door and Drew answered. She was pushing an earring through one ear with only one shoe on.

"Sorry, I fell asleep and started running a little late. I just have to put some mascara on and then I'll be ready." She stopped to realize that he was holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers. "Oh Patrick these are beautiful. Thank you!" Drew kissed his cheek and hurried to the bathroom to finish her makeup.

"You look stunning, Drew. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, we'll see how well you can sweep me off my feet." She laughed and tied the waist of her pea coat.

Patrick took her to a candlelit dinner with a table overlooking the lake. It was romantic to say the least, but he was nervous. He knew how much was depending on this and was worried he would mess it up.

"Am I driving you home tomorrow?"

"If you want to. If you don't, I think my brother was planning on coming to get me if you didn't."

"Of course. I'll go to practice and then we can go to breakfast before hitting the road." Patrick wasn't about to turn down a three hour drive with Drew. He knew she would be back in a few days for the game, but he wanted to spend as much time with her as he could.

"Sounds great."

"Are you open for a walk afterwards?"

"That would be great, Patrick."

After a couple weeks and countless plane rides, Drew knew it was time to make her decision. The three of them met in Iowa and that's where they would find out who Drew was going to go home with.

She was freaking out. She didn't want to choose, but she knew that she had to. And her choice was greatly affected by Hudson.

"This has been the hardest decisions of my life. Either way, I feel like I'm losing one of my best friends and I really don't want to lose either of you."

"You won't lose me, Drew." Kane told her, "And it'll be pretty hard to lose the father of your children."

"He's right."

"I know." Drew took a deep breath. She thought she was set in her decision, but she was having second thoughts right now. It took her a while to look either of them in the eye. "Patrick, I need my best friend no matter what. I want you to promise you that you won't get butt hurt if I don't pick you."

"I promise." He was nervous to say the least.

"And Beau, Husdon needs a father and so does our new child. If, and I mean if, I end up in Chicago, I want them to see you as much as possible. But that's only if I decide on Patrick."

"So you haven't decided yet?" Beau looked confused and ran a hand through his hair a few times before putting the beanie back on.

"Beau, that's besides the point right now."

"We will make it work the best we can, Drew. I'll do what I can."

Drew's eyes started to water. She was going to hurt someone and it made her think of the time Patrick sang Dierks Bentley's song to her. She didn't believe that he knew who her choice was going to be, but apparently he was open to the idea of getting hurt.

And he really was. He didn't want to break apart Hudson's family. He knew that it was best to just stay her friend.

"Okay. You're going to have to do a lot of ass kissing, Beau. I don't mean buying me expensive gifts, I mean it's going to take a long time before I will sleep in the same bed as you. You have to gain my trust back if we're going to make it work."

Beau let out a sigh of relief. No more fighting. No more cheating. He was going to make this work.

"Well, I guess I'll head home then." Patrick headed towards the door, a little upset.

"Wait. Let me walk you out." Drew slipped on a pair of boots and followed him to his car. "I love you, Patrick. There's a reason you're Hudson's godfather. I really hate that I'm hurting you."

"Drew, I put you in a horrible position. I'm just glad we can be friends. I'll see you later."

"Me and Hudson are coming to the Winter Classic, so I hope you have seats for the two of us."

"Of course, anything for you." Patrick kissed her cheek and climbed into his vehicle. There was a long trip ahead of him but he was going to turn up the music and drown everything out.

Even though it hurt, he knew that it was for the best.

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