Chapter Ten - Scarlett

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Scarlett woke up the next morning in a bedroom she didn't recognize. Her phone was charging on the night stand next to where she was laying. She stretched and threw the covers off her body, debating on whether or not to sit up. That's usually when the headaches start.

After a few minutes, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and slowly made her way out of the room. She looked in a few doors only to find another bedroom and one full of workout machines.

"Scarlett. You're awake." The voice from behind her made her jump. She turned around to see who had just startled her.

"Why am I at your place? Better yet, why are you in Pittsburgh Jay?"

"I got recalled and after the party last night you needed somewhere to go, so I asked Robert where to take you since you specifically told me not to go bring you back home and he said my apartment is fine but if something happened to you, he would hurt me."

"Sounds like Rob." She tried to find the kitchen, Jayson following close behind.

"You seemed like you were having fun." He grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water.

"You don't drink a bottle of vodka because it's fun, Jayson. You drink it because you're trying to kill something inside of you."

Jayson hadn't spent much time around Scarlett so he wasn't quite used to her brutal honesty. He was better friends with Drew but kind of drifted apart after she had Hudson. That might be due to the fact that since she had her son, she had been focusing on her relationship with Beau. He couldn't really blame her for that one.

"He wanted to talk to you, but didn't want to ruin your night."

"That makes two of us." She mumbled. Scarlett knew she had to face him sooner or later. She didn't know how he would react, but hoped that he would be willing to make it work with open arms. "Drew was the cool new toy that everyone loved, wasn't she?"

"I wouldn't call her a toy.."

"You know what I meant." There was always a part of Scarlett that was jealous of the Iowa native. She was pretty, sweet, and smart. All the guys loved her. Including Robert. The only guys on the team that seemed to feel the same way about Scarlett were Geno and Sid.

"Since when do you care? I mean, from what I've heard you don't care about what other people think. But you care about others. The whole thing with Megan showed everyone that you aren't the kind of person that you make people think."

"How is she by the way?"

"After the miscarriage, she moved back home. She's taking a year off and then going back to school somewhere else. She texts me to tell me how she's doing every once in a while, but we don't have actual conversations."

"How are you?"

"I'm good. Focusing on hockey and making sure that comes first."

"That's good," She told him, "That's really good." Scarlett always made sure that everyone was doing okay and if they weren't, she would help them figure out their problems. But the thing with being the strong one is that you rarely get asked how you're doing.

"What about you? Are you okay?"

"No," She admitted, "All I do is drink and sleep. I want to go home, but I can't. I just need time. I guess it's supposed to help. And I'm tired of hearing about Drew and Beau. He's an asshole and she doesn't deserve that. We get it. I just want Robert back."

"Then go back to him."

"I can't, Jay. Not now at least."

"There's a reason you're going to be a psychologist." Scarlett stared at the hockey player in front of her, confused. She's becoming a psychologist to help people. She already knew that. "Robert has always said you're pretty soft underneath that shell of yours. Maybe the team will like you if they knew that."

"Yeah because it's so like me to change so that I'm able to make people like me. Nahh. Fuck that. Anyway, can you take me to Taylor's house?"

"Yeah, of course."

Scarlett sat at Katie and Taylor's kitchen table, staring at her wedding ring. The only time she ever took it off was to shower and sleep. Even though she wasn't talking to Robert.

"Why don't you call Andy up?" Katie asked.

Scarlett furrowed her brow. She wasn't sure if she was drunk and hearing things or if her best friend actually said what she thought she did. "Why the fuck would I do that?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "Have a little fun."

"I'm drunk Katie. Not fucking stupid. I'm still married to Robert even if I don't want to look at the bastard. I told him I would be faithful as long as he was and guess what, he hasn't cheated on me. Even if he did, I wouldn't call Andy up to 'have a little fun'."

"You can't just keep getting drunk, Scarlett. It's not healthy."

Scarlett grabbed the bottle she was drinking from and stood up, "Watch me."

"Where are you going?" Katie watched as her best friend pulled out her phone and called someone.

"Drew's. Hopefully dumbass won't be there."

"Hey Scar, what's up?"

"Wanna come get me from Taylor's house?" She sat down on the steps in the hall.

"Yeah. I'm heading to the airport in a few hours though, if that's okay."

"As long as you don't mind that I'm in your house alone."

"You won't be alone. Hubert and Beau will probably be there. I'll see you in a few."

Scarlett walked into the Bennett household alone. Hubert greeted her at the door, but the place was dark. She switched on the entry way light and noticed a huge bouquet of tulips sitting on the table. She walked over to look at the note.

Can we both forget?

When the day goes and the night comes, I'll still be your casanova.

Scarlett took in the scent of the flowers sent by her husband. He always sent her tulips when she was mad or upset. Them being partially seperated wasn't an exception. "Baby I don't know." She whispered to herself.

She set the piece of paper down by her keys and went to grab the new bottle from Drew's freezer. Even after how she felt this morning, it wasn't going to stop her from drinking. Nothing really did lately.

After her buzz got stronger, she stripped down to her hoodie and a pair of short shorts before making grilled cheese and tomato soup. No one was home besides the dog so she turned up the music and had her own version of drunk kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Beau's voice startled her, causing her to drop a sandwich.

"What does it look like assmunch?" She picked up the grilled cheese and threw it at Bennett. "I'm trying to make myself food."

"Where's Drew?"

"She flew to Iowa a few hours ago."

"Aren't you going to answer your phone?" The all to familiar Keith Urban song played before she turned her phone to vibrate.

"Nope. Just Robert. For the twentieth time today." Scarlett buttered two more pieces of bread and put a slice of cheese on each piece while they warmed on the griddle. "You can't change her mind, even if you wanted to. You can always try, she'll see through you. If you think you're the only one she'll want in theis world then you don't know nothing 'bout girls." Scarlett sang along with her phone, annoying Beau.

"Give me that bottle."

"Beau is finally going to get drunk with me. How fun."


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