Chapter Fifteen - Scarlett

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She didn't want to, but all of her friends did. Scarlett was going to her first Penguins game in over a month. She loved Robert, but he kept getting scratched. Even if he wasn't, she didn't care to see him. sometimes she would watch the game on Root, but never the whole thing. She would see how Robert played in the first period and then go about the rest of her night.

Her friends agreed to let her be drunk and go to Geno's party with her afterwards, but that's it. Well, Katie was going with her. But only to flirt with Crosby. Scarlett was okay with that. She didn't really care, to be honest. She had her own husband who would probably be acting just like her. Any time a guy was trying to take Scarlett home, she flashed the shiny and wedding ring and they were off.

She didn't sit in the wives suite like she could have, she sat in the mediocre seats with her friends as she drank from the flask she snuck in. She didn't really have to sneak it in though, she knew the security guard they went to. He looked the other way as she snuck in enough liquor to get her drunk before the party.

The Penguins won. Big surprise, she thought. She didn't care that they were second in the league now. She really just wanted to sleep in the same bed as Robert again.

She felt weird telling people that he was her husband, even if she was wearing his jersey. They didn't feel like they were married lately. And that was her fault. It wasn't that hard to go home. Especially when he would be waiting for her.

Everyone seemed to be excited to go to the party except for Scarlett. She wasn't sure if Robert would be there and she didn't plan on getting drunk enough to forget about him.

She always says that but never really sticks to her plan. First, she had a bottle of wine and then a few jello shots. Then Geno refused to let her leave without taking shots with him. Eventually, she cut herself off and just wandered around the groups of people that filled the Russian hockey player's home.

Katie ran up to her, jumping up and down, "Sidney came to find me. He said he was looking for me."

"Then why aren't you with him right now?" Scarlett didn't care. She knew that her best friend would either be leaving with the Penguins captain tonight or complain about how she didn't spend enough time with him when she saw Scarlett tomorrow.

"I needed a drink."

"Oh good." Scarlett laughed before walking away. In her opinion, she had been spending too much time with her friends.

She continued to walk around until she found someone to drunkenly converse with with, hoping she would run into her husband somewhere. Instead she found a very wasted Beau Bennett.

"Scarlett! I'm so happy to see you some place other than my house." He wrapped an arm around her and gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Why the fuck are you touching me?" She spat, wiggling her way out of his embrace.

"Because I need Drew back and Robert needs you back. He's been cranky without you." Beau admitted. Scarlett rolled her eyes, not caring what the Californian had to say. He was drunk and stupid. But he was always the latter.

She ended up in what she though was Geno's room and laid down on the bed while she started crying. It was interrupted when someone crashed into the door, liplocked with some blonde she had recognized from a few other parties. She's hit on Robert right in front of Scarlett. Apparently she's a huge fan of his.

Scarlett is a huge fan of putting people in their place.

"I guess I'll leave you alone with your girl, Olli." She mumbled and moved to the hallway. "At least it's not my husband this time. Apparently she has a thing for defensemen.

It took her a while to pull herself together. She had finally broken down and needed to go back home where her husband was waiting for her. Scarlett walked down the stairs to find someone that was sober who could bring her home.

"I'm bringing Beau back to his place if you want, I can bring you too." Jayson offered. He had been staying at Beau's place until he got an apartment for himself down here.

"Yeah, that would be great." She grabbed her jacket and purse from Katie's car and got in the backseat of Jay's.

"What's it like being his babysitter all the time?" She wondered.

"Annoying to say the least."

"I thought we were friends, man."

"I thought you were going to be faithful to Drew, but we're all wrong every once in a while." Scarlett laughed as she drew on Jayson's fogged up windows. He would love that surprise someday. "Thanks for the ride Jay. I'll see you later."

Scarlett stumbled in the front door, not entirely sober. Her vision was blurred, but she couldn't tell if it was from the tears or the booze.

"I'm so sorry, Robert."

"No, no this was my fault. I misspoke and I'm sorry. I love you more and more each day, even if I think I can't. We can wait until you're ready to have kids. I'm okay with that." He kept his distance, not wanting to upset her more than she already is.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Being away from you made me realize that having kids would be nice, but all I really want is you. Babies can come later."

She stopped for a moment, unsure of whether or not she wanted him to touch her. After staring into his eyes for a minute, she completely let go and ran towards his chest, bawling.

"Scarlett, it's okay. I'm here with you. In sickness and in health. 'Til death do us part, remember?"


"Let's get you some water and go to bed. Enough of this going to class hungover."

"I've gained so much weight from the alcohol, I don't want to change in front of you." She mumbled, on the verge of tears again.

"Scarlett," Robert leaned down to look in her eyes, "I love you because you're my wife. Not because of what a scale says. Besides, I'm still heavier than you."

"Muscle weighs more than fat."

"Exactly why it's so damn difficult to get up in the morning. Your legs are stronger than Sid's, I swear." He grinned as he wiped the tears from her face.

Scarlett followed her husband to the kitchen and then up to the bedroom where she changed into one of his shirts. For the first night in weeks, she fell asleep almost immediately. Robert played with her hair until he fell asleep himself.

When her alarm went off, she rolled over to see Robert sleeping next to her. She pushed back the piece of hair that fell into his face and smiled at him. He slowly opened up his eyes and smiled back at his wife.

"Good morning, beautiful."


"How are you feeling?"

"Slight headache, but nothing pain killers won't fix."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Robert." He pulled her to his chest, not wanting to let her go. She might leave again and he doesn't know if she'll come back next.


It's the part everyone has been waiting and asking for...

You're welcome.

Oh and with this, I think Robert and Scarlett are getting another story because baby Bortuzzo's are eventually going to happen and that makes me happy.

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