Chapter Seven - Beau

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Beau walked into the house to see a familiar profile sitting at his dinner table. "What are you still doing here? Don't you have class or something?" He set his stuff next to the couch and went straight to the fridge.

"Class ended at three, smartass." He wasn't happy to see her. The feeling was actually mutual.

"Yeah, but why are you constantly at my house since you and Robert got in a fight?"

"I think you know why I'm here right now." She pursed her lips and raised a brow. Beau had hoped that she wouldn't bring it up after the time he picked her up from the bar. "Sit down, Beau."

He did what she said, not wanting to piss her off. He knew that she wouldn't hesitate to start screaming at him if he blew her off. He watched her take a few deep breaths before she started off.

"Drew loves you so much and you do this shit. I believed in you, Beau. I thought you loved your fiancée enough to stop being a slut. Now what the fuck are you going to do?"

"I have to tell her, don't I?" Beau ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the ends.

"No. You should just keep cheating on her and hide it from the woman you're supposed to love." Scarlett answered sarcastically. "Goodness you're such an idiot sometimes."

"I know. You don't have to remind me." Beau knew better than anyone that he was a horrible fiancé. He didn't know why he kept cheating but he did. He told himself he was going to stop, but wasn't sure how well that was going to work.

"So are you going to keep cheating on her during road trips?" Scarlett was fired up about the whole thing and was starting to take out her anger on Robert.


"Are you going to tell her." She stated. It wasn't a question because she already knew the answer.

Beau hesitated, thinking it over. He wanted to tell her but he didn't want to hurt his fiancée and have her possibly call off the wedding. If he stopped, she wouldn't have to know.

"If you don't tell her in the next week, I will."

He knew she would. She never lied about something like that. Or at all, really. He hated that about her because she akways called him out on his shit. Robert was at least nice enough to ignore it. His wife, however, didn't care.

Beau and Scarlett always had their differences, but he didn't expect her to always call him out on every little thing he did. Things between the two of them had been going good for a while. Then again, the Californian was keeping his hands to himself.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about me. I hear Patrick is coming over soon." Her grin was wicked as she grabbed her bag and walked out the door. Beau knew he didn't have to worry about Robert telling Drew, but Patrick and Scarlett were a different story.

He knew that they only meant well, but he wanted Drew to hear from him. Not anyone else.

"Daddy!" Hudson ran into the room, clinging to his father's legs.

"Hey bud. How was swimming?" He picked up the toddler as he put his glass in the dishwasher.

"It was good." Drew answered. Beau kissed his fiancée and followed her to the laundry room. "Have you talked to Robert today?"

"I tried. It's kind of like talking to a wall."

"Beau, he's going through a rough time. Try to be there for him. He was there for you when I left." Hopefully he'll be there when you leave the second time, Beau thought to himself.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I try, but he just wants to be alone."

"He wants to be with Scarlett. You're not his wife, contrary to popular belief. She can do a lot of things you can't." Drew handed him a basket of clean laundry. Ever since moving in with her, he had gotten better about keeping things clean and actually doing laundry.

"So you're saying he wants to have sex?" Drew rolled her eyes, thankful that their son ran out of the room. Beau could be so clueless sometimes..

"No. I'm saying he needs someone to comfort him like only his wife can. That doesn't always mean physically, Beau. They have a connection and he just really misses her."

Beau's mind went back to when Drew left for California. The times he spent crying over someone he loved. The one he was hurting behind her back. He needed to tell her before Patrick did. He was going to be the one to tell her. He had to be.

"I'm back. I know y'all missed me." Scarlett's voice came through the house.

"I thought you were going to a friend's house."

"Yeah, I was. I have a bunch of crap here though so I figured it would be easier. Don't worry, I'll wait to start drinking until after everyone goes to bed." She said sarcastically, but they all knew she would be drowning her feelings again tonight.

"Scar!" The little boy ran towards her.


"We were just about to watch the Aristocats, do you want to join?" Beau asked.

"Yeah, of course."

Scarlett brought Hudson into the den and turned on netflix. Instead of sitting in his own over-sized recliner, the little boy cuddled up to his 'auntie' and almost immediately fell asleep. Drew was making popcorn, but Beau was in the room with Scarlett.

"You're going to make a great mother some day." Beau admitted.

"Thanks." Scarlett smiled, "If I have children."

Beau let her comment go. He knew better than to argue with her. If anything, she would just end up going to their guest room and drinking. Then he would really be in the dog house with Drew.

No matter how hard he tried, Beau couldn't get his mistakes off of his mind. He was scared of the outcome. It would most likely end with her leaving, but this time he wasn't sure if he could get her back.

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