Chapter Three - Patrick

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After scoring the game winning goal against Pittsburgh, Patrick was feeling pretty good. The guys had planned on going out for the night. Usually, he would have declined and turned in for the night but it had been a while since he got drunk with the team.

He knew they would be going to the usual places - the places they would see Penguins at - which could cause a problem. He ran his hands through the still damp curls, trying not to overthink the situation that may or may not occur.

"What's going on?" Toews asked as soon as the two were alone in the car. The younger boy sighed, not wanting to admit anything. "Come on, Patrick. You rarely go out anymore. You never talk to any one out of practice. Is this all because of Drew?"

"I'm such a great friend that I get to be the godparent. I think I'd rather break a femur or something." He muttered as he plugged in his phone. He couldn't meet the captain's eyes in fear of completely breaking down.

"Get drunk and forget about her. I'm sorry, but it's kind of obvious that she's not leaving Bennett." Jon looked forward, weaving his way through the traffic. Patrick didn't want to go back to his old ways, but he knew that was going to happen tonight.

The two walked into the bar, greeted by desperate girls. Jon took the opportunity and grabbed one of the girls by the hand, taking her somewhere they could talk, while the other Hawk found a few of their teammates.

"Patrick Kane," a voice said from behind him, causing the blonde to spin on his heels.

"Robert Bortuzzo." He smiled, shaking the taller hockey player's hand. "How's married life?"

"It's great. Sucks being away so much, but I guess that just makes the time I get with Scarlett that much better." Robert's face lit up while he talked about his wife. It was obvious he was head over heels for her. Patrick couldn't help but wish he had the girl he loved.

The two caught up for a while before Robert turned in for the night. He told Patrick that he was going to videochat with Scarlett before they went to bed. The blonde walked around, talking to whoever he saw. He was in the middle of a conversation with a fan when he saw something that made his stomach churn.

Beau Bennett was across the room, making out with some girl.

"I am really sorry, but I have to go. It was great meeting you." He rushed out of the bar, ignoring everyone who tried stopping him. The late autumn air gave him chills as he walked down the street. He needed to talk to someone about it. Scrolling through the contacts in his phone, he clicked on the one person he knew would answer, even at this hour.

"Didn't hear enough about my life from my husband, you had to talk to me too?" Scarlett Bortuzzo's voice came through the speaker.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett. Are you still talking to him?" Patrick was worried that she had interrupted them. He could wait until they were done. Not like he would be able to tell anyone else about this.

"No, he went to sleep. What's up?"

Patrick took a deep breath. He knew that this was a bad idea, but he didn't know what else to do.

"I- I need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone." He told her. He tried to keep his voice strong, but it came out shakey.

"I might tell Robert, depending on what it is."

At least she's honest, he thought.

"I think he might already know." He could hear her mumble something, "Beau is cheating on Drew."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. How long?"

"I don't know. I just saw him kissing some other girl tonight and I didn't know what else-" Patrick started freaking out, unable to breathe properly.

"Patrick, calm down. Let me talk to Robert, and I'll get back to you, okay? Go home and get some sleep. Just, don't tell Drew. Not yet."

"Thanks Scarlett." He hung up the phone and shoved it in his back pocket. Jon was probably still in the bar, wheeling in some poor girl he wouldn't call the next day.

Patrick had done that a few more times than he would like to admit but recently, he just didn't feel like it was worth it. The sex was usually good but he wanted something more. He wanted something that he might possibly never get and he didn't know if he would get over that fact.

The next morning, he had to drag himself out of bed. He was asleep by midnight last night but he still could barely wake himself up.

"Pick up the pace, Kane." Sharp yelled. They didn't have a game later that day, but that didn't mean he had the ability to slack off.

"Where'd you go last night?" The captain asked once they were back in the locker room, after they had showered. "Did you find a girl?" He nudged his side, insinuating something that didn't happen.

"No. I thought I was going to be sick so I left." He admitted, hoping his teammates wouldn't make fun of him. He never was one to leave the club early.

"Too much to drink?" Shaw wondered. Was that ever the case with Patrick?

"Beau Bennett was making out with someone." The guys fell silent. A few of them look at each other and shrugged, not knowing what to say.

With tears in his eyes, Patrick quietly left the locker room. Hoping no one would follow him, he made his way to his vehicle. He wanted to tell Drew. Oh, how he wanted to tell her. He wanted to be the one to comfort her when she found out that the man that she was so in love with, had a girl back in Chicago.

Now, he didn't know if this was just a fling or if he had done this before. Not that it being a fling would make anything better but it would mean he didn't plan it.

His phone buzzed as he stepped into the elevator of his apartment building. It was a snapchat from Drew. He opened it to see a video of Hudson playing with their new dog.

Even though it was noon, Patrick was exhausted. He wasn't sure whether it was because of the practice or having to keep this secret from his best friend. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his bag by the door, walking to the fridge for a gatorade.

A few of the guys asked him to go to lunch in about an hour, but he declined. The couch and a few movies were calling his name. Apparently Drew wanted to talk, too.

"Hey Drew what's up?"

"Just dropped Hudson off at Scarlett and Robert's house before I go to get ready. What are you doing?"

"Just about to take a nap. Date night?" He immediately regretted asking her. He knew the answer and he knew that Beau was also lip locked with another girl in Chicago the night before.

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it." Patrick could hear the excitement in her voice. "Well, I'll let you get back to your nap. I just wanted to say hi and that I miss you."

"I miss you too, Drew."

"I'll talk to you later Pat."

He sighed and placed his phone on the coffee table in front of him. He started whatever movie was already in the blu-ray and pulled a blanket over him. Maybe in his dreams he would forget about everything, even if just for a little while.

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