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Robert walked up the stairs, into his house. He and Scarlett had plans to go play lazer tag with Beau and Drew in just a few minutes. His workout ran later than he thought, so he was in a hurry.

"Scarlett, are you ready?" He walked briskly through the house, trying to find his wife. He went in the kitchen only to see his wife sitting on the floor, eating cake. When she realized he was home, she stared at him with wide eyes. "Were you crying?"

She stayed silent for a minute, before bursting out laughing.

"Scarlett, what's going on? We need to leave now if you still want to go."

"I can't stand up," She started giggling, eating more of the cake she had in front of her.

"Are you high?"

"Noo." She said while shaking her head yes. Robert wanted to be mad, but she just looked so peaceful sitting on the floor and eating her cake.

"Let's go. You're playing lazer tag high." He helped her up and they walked out to the car.

Scarlett's phone connected to the bluetooth and she started something that went with her mood.

"Do you like the way I flick my tongue or nah?" She laughed at the not so innocent lyrics coming through the speakers. Robert just shook his head. He wasn't really surprised with her. She did a lot of crazy things and while this wasn't regular, he had seen Scarlett high before.

She stopped singing and stared at the dash. "Dude. I've never been this high." She turned to him with wide eyes.

"Good Lord, I love you." He laughed. High Scarlett was funnier than normal Scarlett. Which was hard to imagine.

They arrived at the lazer tag place, Scarlett was munching on a bag of chips, stuck in her own world. Beau was upset they were late, but he didn't have room to speak. He was always late.

"Dude, what is going on with her?" The Californian wondered.

"She's high. Really high." Robert told him, like it was no big deal. Which it really wasn't.

"Can we go play already?" Drew started to ask.

Once the game started, they were split into teams. Girls against guys. Drew wasn't sure how well they would do since Scarlett was high, but growing up in Iowa, Drew knew how to shoot a gun. Robert and Beau knew but weren't as good.

Drew kept yelling directions at Scar, but she wouldn't listen. She ended up finding a spot to snipe and just stayed there for a while.

"Scarlett, where are you?" Drew yelled, "I'm getting ambushed here."

Beau and Robert laughed as they repeatedly shot at the one girl in their eyesight.

"Don't worry Drew. I gotchu." Scar shot at her husband and his best friend, causing them to run for the shelter just a few feet away.

The girls ended up winning, but Scarlett was the reason. No one believed it. That's what the scoresheet said though.

"How the hell do you win? You're high." The blonde haired guy started complaining. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he and Robert lost to a girl that was high. Drew has been shooting guns since she was little, so Beau understood that part.

"It's called smoking then playing xbox. We did it a lot sophomore year." She shrugged. College kids getting high isn't that big of a deal. She's done far worse when she was drunk.

Like go home with a professional hockey player and end up falling in love with him. Minor details.

Meanwhile in Pittsburgh International Airport, Patrick was waiting for his luggage.

"Drew I'm here. I'll get a cab to my hotel and meet you somewhere to eat."

"Actually, can you get a cab to the restaurant? Scarlett has the munchies and refuses to wait for you. We can put your suitcase in the car when you get here."

Patrick waved down his a taxi and was off to downtown Pittsburgh. He was nervous, to say the least. He wrung his hands as the driver weaved his way through traffic. Patrick kept thinking about how much he missed Drew.

As the vehicle pulled up to the curb, he paid the driver and got out before getting his out suitcase from the trunk.

"Patrick!" Drew greeted him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Hey Drew." He pulled her close, taking in the scent of her shampoo.

"Beau parked down the block a little. You can go inside, I'll be right back." The Blackhawk found his way to the table and took the open seat next to Scarlett.

"Thanks for leaving me some chips." Patrick laughed, making the hockey wife sitting next to him stop chewing and stare at him with wide eyes.

"I am so sorry."

"Scarlett, it's fine." The two Penguins laughed at the stoned girl sitting at the table with them.

"Damn. You really do have the muchies."

"You know what sounds really good? Pizza."

"We're at a Mexican restaurant, dumbass." Beau told her, taking a sip of the water in front of him.

"Dude. I beat you at lazer tag while I'm high. Don't call me a dumbass." Scarlett said with a mouthful of chips and salsa.

"Scar, don't talk with your mouth full." Robert told his wife which only made her stick her tongue out, showing him what she hadn't already swallowed.

As Drew sat down, Patrick studied the two couples with him. Robert was so open with his love for Scarlett that you could tell she was his main priority in life. Beau and Drew were different though. You had to watch closely to see him sneak a glance and smile.

He wondered what it would be like to be open about his feelings for the girl sitting across from him. As much as he hated thinking about it, he knew that Beau and Drew might not work out.

"I left my girl back home," Scarlett sang, "She don't love me no more."

"What did I get myself into?"

"I don't know. Maybe a loving and committed relationship."

"Yeah, with a freak." Patrick spoke up, making everyone around him snicker.

"Oh Patrick I'm glad you joined the conversation."

"You're so damn snarky even when you're high. What's with that?" Scarlett didn't reply, but texted him.

<< You're really quiet

>> Lot on my mind

<< Let me guess. It's the girl at the table.

>> There are two girls.

<< Are there really Patrick?

>> I feel like you'll hit me if I say no.

<< Just enjoy the time with Drew and don't let Beau ruin it. I'd get him high without him knowing but I think that's illegal.

Patrick smiled and put his phone away before the waitress set his meal down in front of him. Scarlett placed her hand above his knee and gave a slight smile, hoping it would make him feel better about the situation at hand.

Behind all those smiles, each of them were hiding something. Some were hiding more than others but they're all bending over backwards to make sure no one else finds out their secrets.


Ahhh yeah. The sequel to SFR/TM. It's going to be 20 or so chapters but they're going to be around 1000 words so short chapters. Let me know what you think!

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