Chapter Five - Scarlett

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Things were still tense in the Bortuzzo household after their fight. Scarlett tried to brush things off, knowing that she shouldn't be mad at him for wanting to have children. Especially since they are married and have been for over a year.

But she couldn't help but feel like the only reason they were together was to have kids. That's all she could think about. She knew how silly she was feeling, but couldn't shake it.

Scarlett had homework scattered all over the coffee table in the living room while she watched a Sex and The City marathon on the floor.

Getting married at 40, she thought, Carrie Bradshaw was a smart woman. What if I hadn't gotten married at 23? What if I was still single and didn't meet Robert.

She pushed the last thought out of her mind. Even if she was second guessing being married, she hated the idea of not having Robert around. He was her everything, even if she vowed to never be the girl that relied on a man to be happy.

"What are you thinking about?" Robert walked in the room, setting a bottle of sprite down in front of her.

"What it would have been like if I didn't get married at 23." She was never one to lie about anything. Maybe that's why Beau was usually mad at her.

"Why that?"

"Carrie Bradshaw doesn't get married until she's in her 40's and I don't know if I'm missing out on anything by settling down while I'm young."

"Do you regret getting married?"

"No, it's just. I don't know. Don't think I don't love you, because I do. More than anything. And I'm so happy with you, I just can't help but think about what I may or may not be missing out on." Scarlett refused to meet her husband's eyes. She knew he was probably hurt from what she was implying.

"You know I love you, right? And I'll love you even more when we have kids."


"I didn't mean it-"

"Bullshit. So you don't love me as much as you could if I was giving you a child?" She started putting all her books in her backpack, she needed to leave. "I'm sorry I'm going to grad school and don't have the time to raise a child right now. Fuck you."

She stormed out of the house and started her truck. Unsure of where to go, she ended up at Taylor and Katie's new apartment. She knocked on the door, hoping they would answer soon.

"Scar. What are you doing here?" Katie stood there, wide eyed, not sure why her best friend was in front of her on the verge of tears.

"Can I possibly stay the night?"

"Of course you can." She opened the door wider so Scarlett could walk in. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I actually just want to sleep, if that's okay." Scarlett wiped the tears that were dripping off of her chin.

"Yeah that's fine. You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch tonight." Scarlett dropped her bag by the bed and curled up on the side she usually slept on.

Katie's pillow would have tear stains on it, but she didn't care. Scarlett and Robert had fights before. Most weren't bad. They were never this bad.

Scarlett hurt. She tried just going to sleep, but couldn't stop crying. She was hysterical on the bed. When she wouldn't stop, her friends came to calm her down.

Robert had been calling non-stop since Scarlett left. She had ignored the 'Making Memories of Us' ringtone, but her friends couldn't.


"She's bawling on my bed. This is Katie. What happened?"

"I said some stupid shit and she ran. Tell her I'm sorry. I just want her to be safe."

"She's safe, Rob. I'll let you know if anything happens."

Scarlett was up all night, as were the people trying to calm her down. She didn't know what to do without Rob, but was so hurt that he would say something like that, she couldn't look at him. She got up the next morning to go to class and finish the homework that she needed to before going to drink her pain away.

She never wanted to be that person. The one that drinks their sorrows away. There was just something inside of her that she needed to kill.

Robert kept trying to call her, but she kept ignoring him. Sitting at the bar, she realized she wanted to go home. Or somewhere that might feel like home.

"Scarlett, are you okay?" Drew seemed panicked as she answered the call.

"I'm drunk and hate everything but sure. I'm 'okay'." She slurred as she made air quotes, causing the bartender in front of her to laugh. "Can I stay at your place?"

"Robert's here."

"Then can you bring me home? Wait. Is Stanley home alone?"

"No, Robert brought Stanley with him. But text me where you're at and I'll be there in a few."

Scarlett sent the text and ordered another drink. She was already this far gone, what could going a little farther do?

"I knew you watered down the drinks, but this doesn't even taste like whiskey." She complained as she downed the cup of water.

"You get water." He laughed, refilling her cup.

"Well, Smith. Thanks for listening to me complain about my husband. It was great seeing you." She got off the stool she was sitting on and slowly made her way out the door to wait for Drew.

Beau's name popped up on her screen, making her confused. "If this is Robert, you can fuck off."

"It's not, I'm picking you up. Are you outside?"

"I see you." She shoved her phone in her pocket and staggered over to Beau's car.

"Good Lord. You reek." Beau mentioned as she attempted to buckle her seatbelt. Things were a lot tougher than usual because of the alcohol. Talking like a normal person. Walking like a sober person. Forgetting what Robert said.

"Robert's a shit show too. He's not drunk, though."

"Are you trying to make me feel worse? Cause you're doing a pretty good job at it." Scarlett snapped.

"Scarlett, I'm serious. He's a mess and has no idea what to do without you."

"Why are you cheating on Drew?" Scarlett deadpanned. Right now, she didn't care about her husband. She wanted to know why one of her good friend had an unfaithful fiance.

"What? How do you know about that?"

"I know everything, Beau. Now tell me why the fuck you're doing that."

"I- I don't know." He struggled to give her a reason. He himself didn't know why he was doing it. "Please don't tell her." His eyes were pleading and even though things weren't looking so good between her and her husband, she felt bad for Beau. He was most likely going to lose his fiancée and there was nothing he could do about it because he made a dumb decision.

"I'm not the one you have to worry about telling her. I told Robert that I wouldn't. There's someone else that's probably dying to tell her, just like I am." Beau swore under his breath. He knew exactly who she was talking about.

"He just wants to ruin our relationship." The hockey player snapped, clenching the wheel.

"Your relationship is already ruined, Beau. Patrick just wants to make sure his best friend is okay. I don't blame him." Beau pulled into Scarlett's driveway and parked the car. "I had faith in you, Beau. You fucked yourself over."

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