Chapter Nineteen - Robert

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Robert enjoyed having his wife back around all the time. She enjoyed being back around him, too. While everything wasn't completely back to normal, everyone knew that they would be staying together for the long haul. One night before they went to sleep, they had a discussion about the child situation.

"I only have two years left of grad school. I can easily manage a baby and getting my specialty after that. I mean, we could always plan accordingly so that I have the baby during the summer and the roughtest part will be over before season and everything starts back up for me."

"It's really up to you. You're the one that has to carry a baby around for 9 months, so if that's what you want to do I'll be more than happy to help." Scarlett rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Yeah, I know you will. Now can I go to bed? That was a fairly good discussion in my mind."

"Pretty one sided, but sure." Robert reached to turn off the lamp and pulled the comforter up over the two of them. "Are we still going to breakfast tomorrow morning?"

"Well you weren't very good with the input."

"Scarlett. Breakfast or no?"

"Yes. I like food."

"Okay, goodnight Scar. I love you."

Scarlett mumbled a goodnight before falling to sleep. It took Robert longer, mainly because he was playing with her hair and watching her breathe. Cuddling with his wife was much more satisfying than sleeping with Stanley. Even if he was still woken up with morning kisses.

"Get away from me, you pain." Scarlett laughed as she pushed Robert off of her. She wouldn't get up, so he took matters into his own hands.

"I thought we were going to breakfast and now you won't wake up."

"You know what's better than going out to breakfast? Breakfast in bed. And a really hot husband not laying on me while I'm trying to sleep. That's like ten times better than having to look socially acceptable before noon."

"I will start tickling you."

Her eyes got wide and she started inching her way to the edge of the bed, "You wouldn't."

"You should know better than that." He climbed back on top of her, pinning her to the bed so she couldn't get away.

"Fine, fine. I'll get up. I'm not showering though."

"Whatever." Robert got out of bed and started going through her drawers, throwing clothes at her to wear.

"Oh thanks, but I can dress myself." Scarlett rolled her eyes and drank the glass of water on her night stand.

"You don't seem to be wanting to."

She shrugged, pulling off the big t-shirt she was wearing, "Breakfast in bed is so much more appealing than going out in public."

"You look amazing. Especially not wearing any clothes, but no one else is allowed to see you that way." He kissed her forehead and walked out of their room, Stanley following close behind.

"Alright jerk. Let's go eat." Scarlett pulled on one of Robert's sweatshirts that was way too big, but that didn't seem to phase her. It never really did.

He smiled to himself, loving that she would be waiting for him at home after every game. If she didn't go, that is. He hated the time they had spent apart, but didn't mind now that they were back together and better than ever.

"What are you smiling about?" She eyed him suspiciously as they walked to the car.

"You. Is that a problem?"

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